Backwoods Adventures

Post date: Apr 3, 2012 4:30:34 PM

P is just back from a trip to Virginia, where he was lucky enough to be taken out into the woods for some fly fishing on the Jackson River and a couple of smaller streams.

It's lovely country, even in the early spring, when the trees are still pretty stark. It would be much more beautiful in summertime when it is all green.

And the fishing was fun. He managed to catch three different kinds of trout (Brown, Rainbow, and Brook) in two days, and see some nice country as well. And while P doesn't usually use a fishing guide, Blane Choklett of New Angle, was a real pleasure---low-key, fun, and thoroughly focused on making this a good day for everyone.

But as Yvon Chouinard says, it isn't an adventure until something goes wrong. And something did go wrong on the way home. His flight out of Charlottesville was first delayed, then cancelled. And instead of getting home at 1 pm on Sunday, he didn't get there until about 9:30, after many hours in one of his least favorite airports: Dulles.

Ah well.

The scenery was still grand, the weather cooperated, and there were enough fish to keep us interested all day long.

A great way to spend a couple of days in the spring!