Disgusting Damage in Joshua Tree

Post date: Jan 13, 2019 4:17:28 PM

The news has been full of reports that idiots have entered Joshua Tree National Park during the government shut-down and damaged both trees and the surrounding desert ecosystem.

We have no patience with this kind of activity, and no mercy for those who are caught. We hope that if you know anything about anyone who cut down Joshua trees, drove into the desert off-road, or participated in any other kind of damage to the park you will report it to the National Park Service.

If you don't want to do it, send a note to us, and we'll report it, anonymously. As a ranger in a national park last year suggested, if you are afraid to confront these idiots directly, just take a selfie with them in the background, and send it to the NPS. They can take it for there.

At left is a photo of a Joshua tree from the park last year. It's probably more than 100 years old, and only branches during a deep frost. Despite what you may see in the desert, these trees are threatened by climate change, and we need to protect them from idiots with chain saws.

It's a very sad way to start the new year.