A Happy Birthday

Post date: Oct 3, 2013 8:08:53 PM

We celebrated M's Birthday at 9,000+ feet over the weekend, during our trip to Ten Lakes basin in Yosemite.

This is the first year that we have celebrated both of our birthdays on backpacking trips....and it felt pretty darn nice.

Of course, P didn't carry a large wrapped birthday gift in his pack. Instead, he gave her a nice new down jacket that she could wear--and he gave it to her before the trip, so she could carry it herself!

Here's a nice photo of the birthday girl in her new duds. climbing up out of the basin on Sunday morning, in a stiff breeze and temps around 40 f.

And you can't see it here, but the wind was howling. What you can see is M's new down jacket, trying to keep her warm...