Reader Response

Post date: Mar 10, 2011 9:33:24 PM

We've always thought that you learn a lot about a publication by reading the letters to the editor. That's where you really understand the publication and it's direction. So we were delighted to receive the following note about our blog from one of our readers:

I am amazed you were able to pick out all the Emigrant locations from your plane seat, and especially enjoyed the entry on making your own stove.

I too am jones-ing for the beginning of backpack season (although I wish I could ski year-round too). This summer I have a goal to hike from Ebbets Pass (Lake Alpine) to Tahoe (Meeks Bay), about 68 miles, and take a week to do it. Sounds like heaven! Definitely a few trips in our backyard Emigrant too, we'll see as we get closer.

For now, day hikes in the foothills, be sure to check out the Red Hills and Table Mountain in the next month if you are up in Twain Harte, their flower season is just beginning and sure to be great this year.



Cheers to you! And have a great trip. We've hiked part of that route from Ebbets to Tahoe, and there is some really lovely scenery along the way. hmmmm. Maybe we'll have to hike the rest of it!