Emigrant Trip Report from one of our readers

Post date: Aug 24, 2017 3:27:52 PM

Joe wrote us:

Hi P

I noticed you were at Emigrant this past weekend. So was I! I wish we could have met. I took my wife and a couple of friends for their first trip. The plan was to go to Powell, Chewing Gum, or Y Meadow, depending on how everyone was feeling. We made it to Chewing Gum lake on Friday and stayed there on Friday and Saturday nights. We went to Powell lake on Sunday night and had it to ourselves. Monday morning, we had an easy hike to the car at Gianelli. I found this hike on your site, so thank you for the recommendation!

We endured the thunderstorms, which was a new experience for me. In 10 years of backpacking in the Sierra in August, I've never had rain. Fortunately we all had adequate rain gear, so it wasn't a bad experience.

The wildflowers in Chewing gum meadow were amazing.

Beautiful photos, Joe! Thanks for sending this to us!