A long hot summer

Post date: Sep 16, 2014 5:50:36 PM

It has been a long dry summer, and this month has seen a big increase in fires in the Sierra and the rest of California. It's a sad time for us all. We've had to cut short a couple of different trips over the past year or two because of smoke from a fire, and we once had to abandon an itinerary completely because the area was closed due to a major fire.

Of course the impact of these fires on the forests themselves, and for those who live nearby, is vastly more important than any effect on hikers. But we all share in the pain.

The photo at left is one we took earlier this summer as a fire in Yosemite burst into prominence. The following day we were pretty much immersed in smoke all day long.

Here's a link to the current Cal-Fire information page, which gives updates on the current status of fires in the State. It's not a pretty picture right now.