Local Color

Post date: Nov 20, 2013 5:07:34 PM

We spent this last weekend at our cabin above Sonora,

And in the middle of our usual tasks of cleaning up and fixing things, we found time for a nice hike down to the North Fork of the Stanislaus River.

It's a nice time of the year to get out on a trail---as the cooler temperatures make some of these lower elevation hikes a lot more fun. This was a pretty steep trail, and in mid-summer this would have been a hot one!

And yes, there were nice fall colors on the trees...

Yep--we're up here, and we have to get down there! ©http://backpackthesierra.com
Looking upstream...there were some mining tailings here from the 1850s ©http://backpackthesierra.com
Some of the huge piles of tailings in this part of the canyon ©http://backpackthesierra.com

What fun!

As always, this link will take you to our photos for the hike: https://photos.app.goo.gl/VQD13VNc8NvKejL49