
Plugin AVC_TNT for AutoCAD and BricsCAD.

Explosion of assembly. Moving apart solids in space for an illustration of the form of the assembly.

Explosion of blocks-assemblies.

Exploded views update.

Using this plugin you can quickly create an "exploded" view of the assembly. If you are designing a complex assembly of 3D-solid parts then you may need to disseminate (carry, blast) in the space. This can improve the visual representation, can show from which the assembly is, help in the study of a foreign assembly, or useful for the design of the assembly drawing and for placement position numbers. In this case, this plugin will help in moving the parts in different directions with a single click. Parts escape into space as if the explosion occurred at the geometric center of the assembly. Force of the explosion you assign yourself.

As you know, there is no concept of assemblies in pure AutoCAD | BricsCAD. Assembly is just the word I use throughout this description for your convenience. All you choose is the assembly. Solids do not have to touch.

The program works not only with 3D solid, you can activate the option to explode any drawing objects: surfaces, meshes, 2D curves.

However, the program works with blocks-assemblies that contain solids. They will be spaced out in the same way as individual solids.

And if you select a separate block assembly for explosion, the program will create a new block with exploded parts inside. The block will be recorded on a special layer "Excluded". And invisible attributes with the force of the explosion and the name of the original block will be added to it. This will allow you to easily update such blocks in the future when changes in assemblies. It is enough to call the auxiliary command TNTUpdate.

Read about downloading and installing the program here.

You can use the program for free. If the program really helps you, please donate a small amount.

The TNT command is included in the collections A>V>C> Kit and A>V>C> Pro.

3D-solid assembly before the explosion

Exploded assembly. Force = 2

Exploded assembly. Force = 3

I can blow even any not contacted solids. Solids do not have to touch each other.

Animation. Explode reception-table

Creation of two blocks with an exploded assembly with different explosion strength.

Updating Exploded Blocks Using TNTUpdate.

TNT Command

  • Select all the parts in the assembly. The selection must contain at least two solids or blocks with solids inside.

  • Other objects in the selection are ignored. Objects on annotation layers and Hole layers are also ignored.

  • Call the TNT command

  • Click the point where the exploded assembly inserts.

  • Enter "explosion" force. It floating point digit must be more 1.0. (from 1.5 to 4.0 optimal)

  • While entering the strength of the explosion, you will see the option Process2d. This setting allows you to turn curve, mesh, and surface explodes on or off.

  • The program will write to the command line how many solids have been spread.

Force of the explosion sets multiplier by which to increase the distance from the part to the center of the assembly. It must be greater than 1. For example, if the force of the explosion is set to two, then the part will be twice as far from the geometric center of the assembly than it was before the explosion. However, you can use values less than 1. In this case, the parts will converge to the center of the assembly.

It works only with objects such as 3D-solid.

Initial assembly remains unchanged.

Using the TNT command with a block-assembly.

  • Choose one single block that contains solids or nested blocks with solids. The command does not work with groups.

  • Call the TNT command.

  • Pick an insertion point for the new block.

  • Specify the strength of the explosion greater than 1.

  • The program will create a new block with the same name as the original, but add tnt and the force of the explosion to the name. If such a block already exists in the drawing, then all its contents will be replaced, but all links from the model will be preserved.

  • Inside the block there will be solids spaced apart (copies of the original block solids) or spaced nested blocks (their program will not explode).

  • The new block will be written on a special layer "Excluding". By default, all A>V>C> commands ignore this layer and will not add unnecessary details to the tables.

  • Invisible attributes will be added to the new block with the force of the explosion and the name of the original block. This will allow you to use the TNTUpdate command later to quickly update the exploded views.

  • For scaled, mirrored, and rotated blocks, an exploded view will be created with the same transformation.

  • At the end, the program will write the name of the new block and how many solids were moved.

Follow the messages on the command line. There may be error messages.

Exploded Update Command (TNTUpdate)

Quickly update all blocks with TNT-exploded assembly views.

When you already have blocks received by the TNT command in your drawing, you may need to update their content. For example, when the original assemblies changed, parts were added, fastener blocks changed.

  • Select all the assembly blocks to be updated. You can select the entire model (CTRL + A).

  • Run the TNTUpdate command.

  • The command will find all the blocks that contain the attributes of the explosion force and the name of source assembly. The program will try to read these attributes, and if the force of the explosion can be converted into numbers, and the source block is found in the drawing, then the entire contents of the block will be replaced with a new exploded assembly.

  • All references to this exploded block will be preserved, it will still be visible on all sheets in all viewports.

  • The center of mass of an assembly can move when parts are added and removed, so even unchanged parts are likely to move to a different location when exploded. You will have to check and transfer all the MLeaders with part numbers.

  • The command is oblivious to the name of the TNT-blocks. You can rename them freely. The command only focuses on attributes.

  • At the end of the program, you will see in the command line which blocks were updated and which could not be updated.