

Plugin AVC_Fixture for AutoCAD and BricsCAD.

Arrangement of fixtures along joints of solids. RTA fittings, Fasteners, Furniture hinges, Shelf holders, Hardware 

This fixture placement program is primarily aimed at accelerating the design of furniture and products made from particleboard, MDF, etc. The program will insert the fasteners and fixtures for flat parts that are connected at right angles. If you use solid modeling in AutoCAD, then this program will allow you to radically decrease the effort spent on joining parts or adding hardware. This program does not require the overhead of learning to use and/or paying for a very complex specialized furniture program. It is a very user friendly application that will save time and reduce the number of errors that would have been made by doing the work manually.

Read about downloading and installing the program here.

To run the plugin, you will have to register account and top up your account balance by making a donation or receiving bonuses.

Then you can activate one of the licenses:



The program can save you from 90% of routine operations, but still you have to check and optimize the results of work. Complex cases of the program will leave for you, recognizing the superiority of the human intellect ... while recognizing ...

Perhaps, over time, the program will learn how to handle more complex cases. For this you will have to send problem drawings and be patient.

Preparing the fixture-blocks

Before starting work, you should prepare special fixture-blocks. There can be any objects and other nested blocks, but only solides are used to control the dimensions, except for the solids of the Hole layer. When creating block, it is important to correctly position and correctly deploy the drawing. Zero of the coordinate system of the block will be used by the command as an insertion point (like pick-point of Insert command). The X axis of the block will be deployed along the plane of the end piece. The Y-axis is along the joint line of the parts. And the Z axis is outward or inward of the assembly.

Fasteners, which are required to be placed from the bottom of the parts (for example shelf supports) are required to be drawn upside down, because the Z axis of the block will be rotated against the Z axis of the drawing.

To create new block, it's easiest to create a copy of the customized fixture-block and edit it in the block editor (_-bedit).

Strongly recommended that you use the simplest representation of fixtures, in no case do not draw chamfers, fillets, countersinks, threads, spirals. Fixtures will be many, draw them fast AutoCAD can not. Save your brain and the money of your employer. It is important only to overall the dimensions of the fixtures to check whether they intersect with other parts. And accurately arrange the cylinders of the future holes. All the rest is out in the furnace! Beauty and photorealism should be left for artists.

Do not forget that objects inside the blocks should be located on layer 0, so that they change their properties when changing the layer of the block.

For the convenience of subtracting holes with the command of the Drill, it is desirable to place the cylinders of the future holes in the "Holes" layer.

The "Fixture.dwg" file supplied with the program contains examples of popular fixtures optimized for 16mm thick plates. Each fixture already contains the alignment settings. Surely you will want to change these blocks to adapt to your company's standards. Do not recommended editing the Fixture.dwg file, since it will be replaced when updating the program version. It is better to insert blocks into your template and there modify.

In the block editor, you will see a list of "fix_" attributes. They store the fixture settings. You can move them if they interfere, but do not delete them, do not rename  or edit them.

Autocad is a lazy beast. He does not want to update the icons of the blocks. To see the preview image of the block in the Insert dialog or in the Fixture dialog, you need to call _blockicon in advance. In the Fixture dialog, there is a button for calling this command for the blocks of the current drawing. The background color of the icons depends on the current background of the drawing. Therefore,  recommended that you call _blockicon from the sheet (paper space), not the model. Then the background will be white (unless of course you have reconfigured the colors of AutoCAD)

Preparation of the product model

Draw a product from the details - solid. Check that the joints of the parts are made exactly, the planes of the parts coincide. If the surface of the part is not flat - cut it with _slice. Strongly recommended designing products starting from the box and cutting off the panel-box with the _slice or AVC_Slice (ASL) command, and draw as little as possible the flat sketches for the extrusion. This method accelerates modeling a furniture and any products from flat panels.

To join the details with the Fixture command, it is necessary that one part should approach the other flat face at a right angle. A piece that fits to the joint with a thin end is usually part of the frame of the product. Further in the text, we call it the "end part". Often this part has to drill the end-holes (for confirmations, minifix fixture). Cheap CNC milling machines can not make such holes and it hole are made on multi-spindle drilling machines, which have clearly set the drilling step (32mm) and the length of the drilling part - 800mm. Therefore, fitting to step 32 is done only for the end piece. The second piece to be joined is usually a front panel, a door, a shelf, and a countertop. In it, the holes are made in main large face.

Operating procedure

Dialog of choice and settings

All settings and the name of the block are saved automatically when the current block is changed or when you click OK.

Block Library File

When you open the dialog, the current drawing is always selected in it. In the list there is always a Fixture.dwg file with a fixture library and your template file. And also the last 20 used files are saved in the list. Other files can be selected with the "Open file" button.

Fixture list

contains all the fixture-blocks from the selected file. The fixture that you used the last time will be selected automatically. Click on the required fixture to edit the alignment settings. Click twice to select the fixture and close the dialog immediately. When the selected block appears in the list, the alignment settings appear in the right part of the window.

Use current layer

the program will place the blocks on the current layer (selected before the command is called), and not on the default layer "Fixture"

Request every time

causes the program to open this dialog even when the fixtures have already been selected the last time and are present in the current file.

Show all blocks

allows you to show all blocks of the drawing. By default, only the blocks with the "Fix_" attributes are shown in the list. Check the box when creating new fixture-blocks from zero.

Button "Insert block"

loads a block from the selected file into the current file. All settings can be edited only in the current file. Therefore, to edit the settings, you must first click the "Insert" button.

Button "Copy"

makes a copy of the selected block. Adds "Copy" to the name of the block. Use it for insertion the same fixtures with different settings. Works only in the current file.

Button "Update Icons"

updates all the icons of blocks in the list. This option does not work in BricsCAD as the BLOCKICON command is missing.

Field "Block"

shows the name of the selected fixture-block. You can edit the block name directly in this window.

Group "Connection filter"

The group contains the settings for selecting pairs of parts suitable for this fixture. When you select a lot of details, the program will place the fixtures only on the joints that fit under these conditions.

Group "Y Positions"

Specifies the number and position of fixtures along the joint line. This is the main setting for the placement of fixtures.

Group "Z orientation"

Specifies the location of the fixture relative to the end-part.

Inside the assembly - the Z axis of the block will be deployed bigger portion of the front panel (from the joint). Suitable for minifix and most fixtures that need to be placed inside a product.

Outside the assembly - the Z axis of the block will be deployed smaller portion of the front panel (from the joint).

Upward - the Z axis of the block will be deployed closer to the Z direction of the current user coordinate system (UCS).

Downward - the Z-axis of the block will be deployed closer to the direction opposite to the Z axis of the current user coordinate system (UCS). This option is convenient for the arrangement of all shelf holders under the shelves. The fixed panel does not have to be strictly vertical.

Group "Z Position"

You can arrange fixtures in the middle of the end-part, regardless of its thickness. And you can set the depth of installation, including zero - fixtures will be installed on the surface of the parts.

If there is a gap

If there is a gap in the joint, the fixtures can be placed "On End" of the end-part or "On Face" of front panel.

Command-line options

Reset the selection of objects before calling the command to see the command line options (twice Esc).

TUNE - the option allows you to open the dialog for selecting fixture and adjust all the settings. Use the option if the checkbox "Request every time" is not checked in the settings.

BLock- the option allows you to enter the name of the fixture-block directly on the command line. The block must be loaded in the current drawing in advance. Use the option to customize your buttons with frequently used fixtures. In the button macro, write "^C^C_Fixture BL Minifix;" or "^C^C_Fixture BL Angle Bracket Steel 30x30x30;". Do not forget to reset the selection at the beginning of the macro (^C^C) and add a semicolon at the end (because the block name allows spaces, you can not end the macro with a space). Turn off the "Request every time" checkbox.

Algorithms for placing fasteners

There are two very different spacing methods programmed into the FIXTURE command: Fixed margin from the edge and Fixed step.

Fixed margin from the edge

In this variant of operation, the program places fasteners with a fixed distance from the joint edge (Start option). If it is made with a step of 32mm, then this step will be clearly defined from one edge of the part (you can choose which part it will be - joined by the end or face). And then the fasteners are spaced evenly until the width of the drill is reached (Furthest option) or until the end of the part. When fitting to a 32mm step, the fasteners may not fit quite evenly. And the distance from the last fastener to the end of the joint will turn out to be a random number (greater than the starting indent). If only 2 fasteners are installed, then the second one is placed at the same Start distance from the second end of the joint, and the distance between the fasteners will be random, not a multiple of 32mm.

This spacing algorithm is used by default.

The algorithm is optimized for drilling on a manual multi-spindle drilling machine. The machine will be able to fix the side stop at a given distance (option Start) and no longer change the position of this stop. Flipping the part allows you to use the same stop for drilling from the other end. This ensures accurate and fast manual drilling.

The details made therefore to the algorithm usually turn out to be asymmetric. Asymmetry will not allow the assembler to turn the part over and expose the side with chips from the saw to the public.

Fixed step

In some industries, it is considered important to make an absolutely uniform and symmetrical arrangement of fasteners. In this case, the "Fixed step" option should be enabled. Then the program will distribute the fasteners completely evenly, but the distances from the edges of the joint will be random (greater than specified in the Start option). 

In this mode, you can exclude the installation of the central fastener (Even Number option) and set up mirror the fasteners on the second half of the joint. These options will allow you to get symmetrical parts even if the fasteners require non-symmetrical drilling, such as Minifix + dowel.

If the joint is shorter than the part (that is, one part is short or the parts are shifted), then the program will move the fasteners so that you still get a symmetrical part. But this trimming is performed only if the shift is not large, not more than the specified minimum step. At the same time, you can choose which part of the two joined, you should try to make symmetrical (option "Smooth from the edge of the plate, not the end").

In this mode, the Furthest option is ignored.

When using this method, the distance from the edge of the part to the first fasteners will be different for all parts. The end stop on a multi-spindle machine will have to be reconfigured for each part and drilling will turn out to be long and not accurate. It is recommended to use this method only if all drilling, including face drilling, is performed on the CNC.