Highway 73 extension to Route 204 / 2009-2013

Originally, the Quebec DOT wanted to end Autoroute 73 near the Chaudiere River north of the city. They planned to build a large interchange directly connected to Route 173. Route 173 would have been widened to 4 lanes up to the Carrefour Mall (former Sears). Below is a picture of that proposal. This option has been cancelled.

In the spring of 2003, the City of St.Georges asked the Quebec DOT to reconsider their proposal of a junction using 57th street. The City instead proposed to move the junction to a new 74th street and to use the savings to reach Route 204 further south across Famine River. This new option would avoid the construction of a large interchange in an easily flooded zone and would create a new north-south link with a future second bridge over Famine River.

In November 2004, Quebec DOT presented the same map with an extension to Route 204 (below).

Two options are proposed: #1 is located further east and #2 is closer to the City . #2 was selected.

The Impact study has been released in January 2007. Corridor #2 has been approved. A traffic circle was built at the end of Autoroute 73 at the junction with Route 204. This creates a second interchange for St-Georges and allows the city to plan a future extension from there to the south around the city. It also opens the door to a possible by-pass road to St.Come-Liniere, Armstrong and to the Maine border.

Above is a picture showing the future end of Highway 73 in a roundabout at the junction with Route 204. What could happen later is another extension from there, southward to Route 173 to create a by-pass around St.Georges. The City has apparently reserved that corridor.



The project to reach Route 204 was divided in 3 phases from South to North:

Phase 1: Route 204 widening, roundabout, Famine River bridge and roadway to bridge

Phase 2: 90th street bridge, highway from Famine River to the Hydro power lines.

Phase 3: Route 173 widening, building 74th street, a major interchange and 35th ave. overpass.

· In 2010, construction has begun in June in St-Georges at Route 204. Route 204 has been widened, the roundabout has been built, and road construction started from there to the Famine River where the bridge work will also begin. Also, 25th Avenue has been extended from the Water Tower to the future 74th street.

· In 2011, the rest of the Famine River bridge has been completed, road construction continued northbound from the river, an overpass has been built for 90th street and roadway is being built from there to the future 74th street. The 90th street overpass is now open to traffic. The Famine River Bridge is ready, a Jersey Barrier has been built from the bridge up to where a larger median begins. Paving of the road has begun for the northbound lanes.

A third contract as been awarded for construction of an interchange and 74th street as well as a widening of Route 173. Construction on this last phase of the St.Georges project has begun in the summer of 2011.

· In 2012, Phase 1 was completed in July. 74th street is being built between a new interchange all the way down to Route 173 near the Carrefour Mall. Phase 2 has been completed in September 2012.

· In 2013, Phase 3 has been completed in November. The complete project opened to traffic on November 21, 2013.

A view of Autoroute 73 looking south to the Famine River bridge.