Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) Installation on Linux

Post date: 04-May-2010 14:10:22

Applies to all variations on Linux including the Virtualization environment (Oracle VM or VMWare)

Downloads, Linux, JDK Requirements:

1. Login to the linux OS as the unix user oracle.

2. Download the latest version of OBIEE (10.1.3.x) biee_linux_x86_redhat_101340_disk1.cpio from under Business Intelligence Applications.

3. Extract the contents using cpio -iduv < biee_linux_x86_redhat_101340_disk1.cpio

4. The above command will create a directory RH_Linux with all the required obiee software

5. The installer directory contains and setup.jar. From here, one can run before running the installer (that is, before running

6. Ensure the java is installed by typing which java and also the version by typing java –version

7. If JDK is not installed, download the JRE/JDK environment jdk-1_5_0_17-linux-i586.bin from (Always look for jdk-1_5_x_x-* ) to the place where java is installed (cd /usr/lib/java)

8. chmod +x jdk-1_5_0_17-linux-i586.bin

9. Execute the binary jdk-1_5_0_17-linux-i586.bin

10. chmod -R a+rwx on the new directory jdk-1_5_0_17 as root

11. Ensure X-windows is running on the Linux operating System

12. Create couple of directories obiee, obieedata under the folder where OBIEE to be installed(/u01/opt/oracle/product)

13. Go back to the extracted obiee folderRH_Linux/server/Oracle_Business_Intelligence

Installation Steps:

1. Run ./ fromRH_Linux/server/Oracle_Business_Intelligence

2. This opens up the X-Window dialog screen for the OBIEE Installer.

3. After few steps (accept defaults) enter the following 2 directories for obiee and obieedata.


OBIEE Linux Install Image1

5. Accept the defaults by clicking Next

6. Enter the jdk home path /usr/lib/java/jdk_1_5_0_17

7. Enter the password for oc4jadmin (oc4jadmin)

8. Choose English and accept the default server OBIEE components

9. This will install the OBIEE client/server components and sample OBIEE application samplesales repository/web catalogs under/u01/opt/oracle/product/[obiee|obieedata]respectively(It can take anywhere from 10-20 minutes installation time)


12. Once complete, Edit the in/u01/opt/oracle/product/obiee/setup under linux settings

13. Uncomment the parameters under linux.

14. Ensure the ORACLE_HOME is set properly/u01/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

15. TNS_ADMIN, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH are need to beuncommented from the script

16. Start the Oracle BI Presentation services by typing./ start

17. Start the Oracle BI server services by typing ./ start

18. OC4J service is required to access the OBIEE over the web. During the installation the service is started by default.

19. OC4J It can be re-started by running/u01/opt/oracle/product/obiee/setup/oc4j –start. For the first time the oc4jadmin password need to be set..

20. OC4j can be stopped by running/u01/opt/oracle/product/obiee/setup/oc4j –stop –port 9704 –password oc4jadmin

21. Verify OBIEE installation by logging into the sample sales dashboard by logging onto http://<Linux Host Name>:9704/analytics/saw.dll?Dashboard with password (Administrator/Administrator)