
Inclined Dumbles Execise

1) With a dumbbell in each hand, sit on a bench and lean back against the padwhich should be situated at an incline between 30 and 45 degrees.

2) Start with your arms extended so the dumbbells are together up above your chest, with your palms facing forward.

3) Inhale as you lower the dumbbells by bending the elbows out to the sides (elbows should be at 90 degrees as they become level with the shoulders) until you feel a slight stretch in the chest or shoulders.

4) Exhales as you return the dumbbells back up to the starting position.

5) Repeat for repetitions. 


2. Push-Ups

3. Chest Press Machine

4. Peck Deck Fly / Machine Fly

5. Barbell Bench Press