Excel Sort Basics

Post date: 17-Jan-2011 06:31:45

Using the Excel Sort Buttons

In Excel, it's easy to sort your data by using the Sort buttons on the toolbar. But, be careful, or one column may be sorted, while others are not.

Excel Sort Data by One Column

Excel Sort Data by 2-3 Columns

Excel Sort Data by 4+ Columns

Occasionally, you may need to sort by more than three columns. For example, in a mailing list, you may want to sort by Country, Region, City, and Name. To do this, you can sort the list multiple times, starting with the least important sort.

In the mailing list, there are four columns to sort. Name and City are the least important fields in the sorting process, so they can be sorted first.

Excel will retain what it can of this sort while you sort by the remaining fields.

Ref: http://www.contextures.com/xlSort01.html