
Shell Script LCF Calculator

Finds L (Inductance), or C (Capacitance), or F (Frequency), from the other two values.

This shell script program calculates values of L, C, and F. From any of the two it will find the third member.


Copy it to your "/usr/local/bin" directory.

make it executable (chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/lcfcalc)

and add it to your menu system (make it executable in a terminal session).

============== start ==============



# Program Name: lcfcalc


# Arv Evans K7HKL

# 1 January, 2007


# This is FREEWARE.

# You can copy it, use it, modify it, etc. without any licensing issues.

# If you break it, you own fix it!


# NOTE: This program requires use of "dc" the desktop calculator.

# The dc program must be installed on your computer to run this software.


while true



echo "#====================================#"

echo "# L, C, & F Calculator #"

echo "#-----------------------------k7hkl--#"

echo "# 1) L from C & F #"

echo "# 2) C from L & F #"

echo "# 3) F from L & C #"

echo "# q) Exit #"

echo "#------------------------------------#"

echo -n "# Selection: "

read selection

case $selection in

1|l|L) # Calculating Incudtance from C and F


echo -n "Enter Capacitance in pf: "

read capacitance

echo -n "Enter Frequency (MHz): "

read frequency

# L = (25400 / (f * F * C))

inductance=`echo "6 k 25400 $frequency $frequency $capacitance * * / p" | dc`

echo "Inductance = $inductance uH."


echo -n "Hit ENTER To Continue: "

read junk


2|c|C) # Calculating Capacitance from L and C

clear # C = (25400 / (F * F * L))

echo # where: C=pf, L=uH, F=MHz

echo -n "Enter Inductance (uH): "

read inductance

echo -n "Enter Frequency (MHz): "

read frequency

capacitance=`echo "6 k 25400 $inductance $frequency $frequency * * / p" | dc`

echo "Capacitance = $capacitance pf"


echo -n "Hit ENTER To Continue: "

read junk


3|f|F) # Calculate Frequency from L and C

clear # F = (1 / ( 6.28 * SQRT(L * C)))

echo # where: L=uh, C=pf, F=KHz

echo -n "Enter Inductance (uH): "

read inductance

echo -n "Enter Capacitance(pf): "

read capacitance

frequency=`echo "6 k 159.2 $inductance $capacitance * v / p" | dc`

echo "Frequency = $frequency MHz"


echo -n "Hit ENTER To Continue: "

read junk


q|Q|0) # Exit on q, Q, or 0 entry



*) # Wildcard '*' is catchall for undefined command entries


echo "Illegal Command in '$selection'"

echo -n "Hit ENTER To Continue: "

read junk


esac # end of "case" evaluations


============== end ==============