FAQ Documentation #1

Q: "What's with the odd page numbers (e.g.: p103b.7) used in early source credits?"

A: To make it easier to find items, this was how I described its exact location within a page full of text. After the page number, if you see a letter (such as the "b" in the example above), that indicates the column left-to-right. In this case, "b" indicates the second column. The decimal and number following that (such as the ".7" in the example above), roughly indicates how far down the page the item will be found. In this case, ".7" indicates that the item is about 70% of the way down the page.

I created this system for myself and had been using it for some time before I started publishing the content references. It appeared to be so difficult for my readers to understand and/or remember what the odd page numbers meant that I eventually omitted this detail.