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What's News

(Volume 1: Number 11) -- September 29, 1997

CESNUR's 11th International Conference


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/Free University of Amsterdam

August 7-9, 1997

A summary report by Paul Carden, The Centers for Apologetics Research

(Contributing Editor, Apologia Report )


Day One (includes content descriptions of the following)

"The New Cult Wars" by Massimo Introvigne

"Selective Regulations of New Religious Movements in Europe" by Eileen Barker

"The Public Image of New Religious Movements in Belgium" by Liliane Voye

"Recent Developments in Western Movements" comprised of segments by Richard Singelenberg on "The Changing Face of Jehovah's Witnesses" and Stephen Hunt on "The Revival That Wasn't. After the Toronto Blessing: Repairing Cognitive Dissonance"

"Celestial Church of Christ" by Afe Adogame

"Heaven's Gate" Massimo Introvigne

Day Two (includes content descriptions of the following)

"South African New Age Prophets: Past and Present" by H. Christina Steyn

"Eschatology and Catastrophism East and West" comprised of segments by Kent P. Jackson on "Mormon Folk Eschatology and the Approach of the Year 2000" and David Piff & Margit Warburg on "Millennial Catastrophism in Popular Baha'í Lore"

"The Family [a.k.a., Children of God] and Religious Controversy in the United Kingdom" comprised of segments by Andri Soteri titled "God Does Not Have Grandchildren" and Amanda van Eck Duymar van Twist on "The Family's Children and Their Perception of the End-Time"

"Beelzebub's Tales to European Governments: A Crash Course on How to Reduce Religious Liberty to an Empty Shell" by Massimo Introvigne

"New Religious Movements in Contemporary Russia: A Historian's View" by Boris Falikov

"Religious Liberty in Eastern Europe" by Marat Shterin

"Civilized Shamans: Sacred Biography and Founders of New Religious Movements" by Robert Ellwood

Day Three and Conclusion (includes content descriptions of the following)

Other noteworthy papers presented

List of new and alternative religions with members and/or representatives present

List of new books displayed or advertised

Details regarding next year's CESNUR conference and contact information for CESNUR