News items on cloning

Isn't it just a matter of time?

"Genes from other species put in eggs" by Marilynn Marchione [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel] -- "Researchers have taken cloning technology one step further by getting eggs from a cow to accept genes from other species -- sheep, pigs, rats and even primates, one level away from man. ...

"They created 70 such interspecies embryos and grew them to a 60- to-120-cell stage that is considered viable for implantation. The researchers have made six or seven attempts at pregnancy so far, but none has succeeded." Orange County Register, Jan. 20 1997, p13(news).

"Agency says no human cloning" by Lauran Neergaard [AP] -- "The FDA acts to ensure that a rogue scientist can't duplicate a human." Orange County Register, Jan. 20 1997, p1 (News).