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(Volume 3: Number 1) -- January 20, 1999

"Interreligious Dialogue and Evangelism"

Interview with Terry Muck

In our scanning for Apologia Report we occasionally come across publications that we feel deserve more attention. Early last year just such an item came to light. Here is the entry describing it from Apologia Report (Volume 3: Number 2 -- January 12, 1998):

"Interreligious Dialogue and Evangelism" by Terry Muck -- co-editor of this journal, professor at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and previously executive editor of Christianity Today, Muck admits his is a difficult and volatile subject. We wonder if there is another evangelical who is better qualified to speak in this context. This substantial piece appeals to the communication theory of David Krieger. Buddhist-Christian Studies, v17 - 1997, p139.

We feel the substance of this article and the accompanying interview with its author both offer timeless insights into a mission-critical aspect of Christian faith.

Interview: Part One, Personal Background

Interview: Part Two, About the Article

"Interreligious Dialogue and Evangelism" by

Terry C. Muck -- the full text of the article