
Inspiration for the ARchive

ARchive background detail


Something to work on in the future for this page or the "About the FYI" page: When did the name "Paul Carden" first appear in the FYI "masthead"? It looks like the original hard copies will have to be reviewed for this because all I found of related interest from the ARchive was:

* - 86F02-31 includes the first mention of his name in reference to a planned Spiritism Seminar venue being lost in Brazil

* - 88F04-07 cites his first "contribution" to the FYI in the form of an article he wrote for Cult Observer on the Unification Church in Brazil

* - 90F06-11 notes that Lisa Carden (Paul's wife) discovered a link to the Muppet creator's death influenced by Christian Science beliefs

See the links below for history about Apologia's ministry in general:

Visit <www.bit.ly/2wY1yF9> and, near the bottom of the page, you'll see a review of a an early AR-talk online controversy that unexpectedly made a big splash for us thanks to a short item on the New York Times web site that mentions part of the fracas. (AR-talk is a now-discontinued service that we ran from 1997-2007.)

Involvement with Christianity Today, Inc. (advertising, book review work)

Content published elsewhere

Also consider our main web site, apologia.org

Some early (and since removed) Apologia web site pages have been recreated for the ARchive here.