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AR 21:43 - Wicca's rise "as a modern worldwide religion"

In this issue:

EASTERN MYSTICISM - "the first encyclopedia solely devoted to Asian American religion and religious cultures"

ISLAM - "an important resource for readers looking to grasp the realities of such Islamist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood"

NEOPENTECOSTALISM - new film "will show the dangers of fundamentalism"

OCCULTISM - documenting "Wicca's rise to prominence in the pagan community and its development as a modern worldwide religion"

Apologia Report 21:43 (1,316)

November 30, 2016


Asian American Religious Cultures, Jonathan H. X. Lee, Fumitaka Matsuoka, Edmond Yee, and Ronald Y. Nakasone, eds. [1] -- "As the first encyclopedia solely devoted to Asian American religion and religious cultures, this title fills a real gap in the literature. ... The new encyclopedia assembled by editor Lee (San Francisco State Univ.) and colleagues presents substantive essays followed by A-Z entries, with a generous bibliography. It is interesting to note that the individuals and movements that many in the US would associate with Asian American religion, such as Swami Muktananda (Siddha Yoga) or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Dynamic Meditation), for example, are not included among the entries devoted to individual figures; another prominent religious figure, Reverend Sun Myung Moon, is discussed in the entry on his Unification Church, but likewise does not merit an entry of his own. The focus is on the mainstream Asian American religions, their associated leaders or founders, and adherents or practitioners." Choice, Jun '16.



One Islam, Many Muslim Worlds: Spirituality, Identity, and Resistance Across Islamic Lands, by Raymond William Baker <www.goo.gl/GftA2S> [2] -- an "attempt to cover the political and social issues that confront modern Islam. The author recounts the later 20th century, which paradoxically was a time of decline and strife for the religion but also brought forth its current strengths, both radical and moderate. Baker's work will be an important resource for readers looking to grasp the realities of such Islamist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood <ikhwanweb.com>. He decries extremism yet also sees that Islam has an opportunity to challenge the cultural hegemony of the West, especially the United States. VERDICT This complex work, neither a history nor a manifesto, might be strenuous for casual readers but will appeal greatly to academic libraries." Library Journal, Jul '15 #1

"Baker (international politics, Trinity College, CT) describes various trends in modern, contemporary, and premodern Islamic thought that, according to the author, add to a 'unifying politics of identity' he upholds against a neoconservative attack (by [RAND Corporation researcher] Cheryl Benard). The trends include those Baker calls the 'new Islamic thinkers'; reformers; earlier thinkers, such as Ibn Batuta; and Islamists. Baker argues that the support for such thinkers represents both a grounded middle path and a source for Islamic democracy. He is concerned about the demonization of Muslims due to jihadists such as ISIS, who wield what he terms an 'Islamist Imaginary.' However, the Islamic 'midstream,' or Wasatiyyah, has the capacity for reform and spiritual renewal, despite the challenge of extremists. Whereas Samuel Huntington argued that Islamic civilization was hostile and antithetical to Western norms, Baker holds that it should not be diluted and that Islam contains necessary ingredients for social reform. Combining intellectual and political history throughout, Baker describes the reinvigoration of the democratic process in Egypt when Egyptians ousted the Mursi presidency, and he critiques the Muslim Brotherhood's efforts to speak in Islam's name and Mursi's failings. Baker reminds readers that Islam cannot talk - only Muslims can speak to listeners - but without openness, and given violence and ignorance, that task is more difficult." Choice, Jun '16



"Controversial New Film Exposes Toxic Christianity" by Morgan Guyton -- a Patheos interview conducted by Katie Andraski <katieandraski.com> with independent filmmaker Richard Rossi about his new film, Canaan Land <www.goo.gl/BSyJ19>, which Rossi describes as "my third feature [film] which will show the dangers of fundamentalism. ...

"KA: Where did you get the idea for Canaan Land?

"RR: From my experience as a healing evangelist. My first foray into filmmaking was a documentary entitled Quest for Truth <www.goo.gl/a2zEjP> about the role of prayer in healing. We wouldn't report healings without medical confirmation. We told the truth that not everyone is healed. We tried to show both sides, our faith side and critical thinking side. My time in the church enabled me to see big names in Pentecostalism were doing fraudulent healings.

"KA: What are some examples?

"RR: People who aren't really paralyzed getting out of wheelchairs at a Benny Hinn crusade. Bethel Church has become a mecca for the charismatic movement. They had gold dust and bird feathers they claimed was the glory of God and angel feathers. My movie will show the difference between faith that hurts people versus healthy faith that heals people. ...

"KA: How do you tell the difference between the fake and the true?

"RR: The fakes make you dependent. 'Give us $3000 to learn the gifts of the Spirit. Sow a seed to us to get blessed,' they say. They aggrandize their personality cult and finances. They increase their stature with titles like Doctor, Bishop, Apostle, Prophet. This increases their authority to manipulate. Watch out for those who put themselves above you. The real ones point to Christ in you. You can pray just like anyone else. The gifts of the Spirit belong to the Holy Spirit. You have this inside you by faith and can be a conduit. ...

"KA: You mention Orlando. Is it true you were filming for Canaan Land at the gay pride parade?

"RR: Yes. One of the subplots in Canaan Land is a gay character wounded by the fundamentalism I'm preaching condemning him to Hell. Part of my character's redemption is repenting, telling him I'm sorry, showing him unconditional love. My wife and I were protested by Fred Phelps because we ministered to AIDS patients so I know this world." Patheos, Jul 5 '16 <www.goo.gl/gvyR9R>



Wicca: History, Belief, and Community in Modern Pagan Witchcraft, by Ethan Doyle White <www.goo.gl/Pc70pI> [3] -- "An established pagan studies scholar and trained archaeologist, White has written a comprehensive, balanced primer for those interested in Wicca and other modern pagan religions. The author details Wicca's history, core beliefs, and contemporary culture in a clear, concise manner that allows one to read the work from cover to cover or dip into it selectively. White details Wicca's rise to prominence in the pagan community and its development as a modern worldwide religion through an understanding of its origin and adaptation from England to the US and beyond." Choice, Jun '16.


SOURCES: Monographs

1 - Asian American Religious Cultures, Jonathan H. X. Lee, Fumitaka Matsuoka, Edmond Yee, and Ronald Y. Nakasone, eds. (ABC-CLIO, 2015, 2 vol.s, hardcover, 1060 pages) <www.goo.gl/eDzPJ4>

2 - One Islam, Many Muslim Worlds: Spirituality, Identity, and Resistance Across Islamic Lands, by Raymond William Baker (Oxford Univ Prs, 2015, hardcover, 392 pages) <www.goo.gl/xUZ0i3>

3 - Wicca: History, Belief, and Community in Modern Pagan Witchcraft, by Ethan Doyle White (Sussex, 2015, paperback, 272 pages) <www.goo.gl/4ciDZr>


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