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Apologia Report 20:4 (1,233)

January 28, 2015

Subject: The seduction of Hindu philosophy at the cineplex

In this issue:

EASTERN MYSTICISM - secular confirmation of what evangelicals have been saying about Hinduism in pop culture since the 1960s

NEOPENTECOSTALISM - Mike Bickle complains (prophetically) of "unhealthy extremes" in spiritual warfare



"How movies embraced Hinduism (without you even noticing)" by Nirpal Dhaliwal, who asks why "the venerable religion has been the driving philosophy behind many hit movies," from Star Wars to Batman to Interstellar.

He answers: "The idea that propels the plot - [that] there is a universal super-consciousness that transcends time and space, and in which all human life is connected - has been around for about 3,000 years. It is Vedic."

In Interstellar, "the film's astronaut hero (Matthew McConaughey), declares that the mysterious and all-knowing 'they' ... is simply repeating the central notion of the Upanishads, India's oldest philosophical texts. These hold that individual human minds are merely brief reflections within a cosmic one."

And "McConaughey's character doesn't just talk the talk. He walks the walk. So, the multidimensional tesseract - that endlessly reflective prism he finds himself in ... is the film's expression of Indra's net, the Hindu metaphor which depicts the universe as an eternal web of existence spun by the king of the gods, each of its intersections adorned with an infinitely sided jewel, every one continually reflecting the others.

"Of course, Hollywood's eager embrace of Buddhism, yoga and other esoteric Indian systems is not new. ... Julia Roberts affirmed her Hinduism in the wake of Eat, Pray, Love - a movie that tells the tale of a modern American woman's journey towards peace through Indian spiritual practices that grossed over $200m (£128.6m). ...

"'Look at the first Matrix movie,' says producer Peter Rader. 'It's a yogic movie. It says that this world is an illusion. It's about maya – that if we can cut through the illusions and connect with something larger we can do all sorts of things. Neo achieves the abilities of the advanced yogis [Paramahansa] Yogananda described, who can defy the laws of normal reality.' ...

"George Lucas was influenced by the mythologist Joseph Campbell, whose work [The] Hero With a Thousand Faces [1] traced the narrative arc common to all mythic heroes that Luke Skywalker would embark upon. Campbell himself lived by his Upanishadic mantra 'follow your bliss' ...

"His mantra was the paradigm for Skywalker's own realization of the force, the sense of peace, purpose and power gained once he allowed himself to accept and unify with it. ...

"Nolan's trilogy of Batman movies - in which a tortured protagonist struggles as much not to become his nemesis as to defeat it - have introduced a whole new generation to the Indian god-myths and the teachings of yoga that emphasise the priority of one's internal journey while facing the challenges of the outside world. Next year, even younger recruits to the cause will feel the force of the new JJ Abrams' Star Wars movie.

"'Spirituality is the open-secret,' says Rader. 'A lot of people know that if we quieten down we can tap into a deeper power. And the movies that tap into that, like Star Wars and Interstellar, are hugely popular. Audiences know what the film is telling them, they have a sense that this story is working on a deeper level. It's telling them that there's more to life than just the ordinary. That there's something much bigger, and they're a part of it.'" The Guardian (UK), Dec 25 '14. <www.goo.gl/TnXQhO>



"Praying Down Powers and Principalities" by Mike Bickle, founder of the controversial International House of Prayer -- if you're not familiar with Bickle's stormy ministry career, see AR 16:29 <www.goo.gl/qALxeK>.

His article's subtitle complains that "many people go to unhealthy extremes in their approach to spiritual warfare." The second paragraph continues: "The problem isn't that the enemy is unaware of this type of prayer, however; it's that so many people - including believers - misunderstand it."

Offering examples of such "unhealthy extremes" in action, Bickle explains that enthusiasts "focus almost entirely on the demonic realm and get excited at the mere mention of binding evil spirits, casting out devils and pulling down strongholds. ...

"There's a problem with this, however. In most cases spiritual warfare is not to be carried out by directly confronting the powers and principalities over cities and nations. The New Testament model for spiritual warfare is to direct our prayers to God, proclaim His name and promises, and do His works....

"On specific occasions the Spirit may lead someone to speak directly in intercession to a demonic principality. But this is not the primary prayer model presented by the New Testament apostles.

"Jesus and the apostles spoke directly to the demons that dwelt in a demonized person - in other words, to 'embodied' demonic spirits - but what they did is not the same as speaking to 'disembodied' demonic principalities that dwell in heavenly places. We do wrestle with them (Eph. 6:12), but usually by praying to the Father, not by speaking to them directly. ...

"Spiritual warfare prayer requires a three-pronged approach. First, we proclaim God's victory by agreeing with the supremacy of Jesus, His power, promises and will. ...

"Second, we confess sin and renounce the works of darkness (i.e., we break our agreement with the enemy). ... Third, we do the works of the kingdom, acting in the opposite spirit of the evil characteristics that permeate a specific city or region. ...

"A stronghold is a collection of ideas that are in agreement with Satan's lies and accusations against the truth of God ...

"There are three types of spiritual strongholds:

* - Personal strongholds of the mind that bind people in sinful mindsets and lifestyles.

* - Cultural strongholds, or values in our society, that are in agreement with darkness. ...

* - Cosmic strongholds, which are demonic powers and principalities in the air, are demonic angels or demonic hosts. ...

"We dismantle these strongholds by agreeing with God and renouncing Satan's lies through our prayers and actions. ...

"Engaging in spiritual warfare is essentially agreeing with God and disagreeing with the enemy. ...

"Daniel 10 gives us a snapshot of what happens in the spirit realm when God's people pray. ... It also reveals the intense and ongoing conflict between high-ranking angels and demons that is manifest in earthly spheres of government.

"Angelic and demonic authority structures exist over each city and region in the world. ... If we could see into the spirit realm, I believe we would be amazed by how much the heavenly host is involved in earthly affairs and how they respond to our prayers.

"There is a dynamic correlation between what people do on earth and the measure of demonic activity released in the areas in which they live. ...

"Political leaders and the governmental infrastructures under them are deeply affected by the activity of angels and demons, though many of these leaders are completely unaware they are wrestling against, and being oppressed and influenced by, demonic powers and principalities (Eph 6:12). ...

"One purpose of the oppression is to get the leader to establish new laws and decrees while under the negative, oppressive influence of a demonic power. As a result of our prayers, angels drive back demons and hinder their negative influence on political leaders of all stripes. ...

"If the demonic hierarchy is not hindered sufficiently, then the human leader is influenced to make evil decisions. The leader has a free will; but if he has a happy mind-set with peace, even though he is an unbeliever, then his decisions will be different from those he may make when he is angry, fearful, jealous, bitter and oppressed by a demon."

Bickle concludes: "The reason Jesus releases His power more through prayer is because He wants partnership with His people, and prayer is one of the main ways partnership is strengthened." Any questions? Charisma, Nov '14, pp26-32. <www.goo.gl/TCHppJ>


SOURCES: Monographs

1 - The Hero with a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell (New World Library, 2008, hardcover, 432 pages) <www.goo.gl/rYRH1T>

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