Newsletter 40 18/07/24

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF   

Tel: 01702 414200

Love of God, Love of One Another, Love of our World and Love of learning


Dear God, 

Thank you for a successful year – 

helping us to learn a variety subjects, make new friends, and enjoy another year at school. 

We are so grateful for this year, please bring us fun, love and a blessed summer

holiday. We hope to return in September with a renewed energy after lots of activities. 


Thomas, Jasmine, James and Chanel, Mary Mother of God Class

Headteacher Message

As we reach the end of term and the end of a school year, it is the time for endings, 'goodbyes' and new beginnings. Our Year 6 pupils have been a credit to the school and their families in their time with us, achieving great things, building strong friendships and learning together. In my time at the school, which is relatively short compared to theirs, they have been excellent ambassadors for Sacred Heart and its values, and I know that they will continue to shine and succeed in the future. We thank them for their service with us, along with their supportive parents and the many staff who have contributed to their growth and development over the years. Sacred Heart will always be a home for you.

For the other children and staff in our school, change is also upon us, as we leave for our Summer holidays and move on from the classes we work with. I hope that everyone enjoys a safe and satisfying break, ready to come back refreshed in the Autumn.

We wish Mrs Izod and Miss Brown every happiness as they enjoy their wedding days in the Summer, and hope that Miss Jackson has a smooth introduction to her first child, followed by a life of health and happiness.

Before we leave, there is time to update you on the success of two weeks ago. FOSH have now confirmed the total profit raised from the Summer Fayre is £2,520.24. Thank you again to all the helpers, people who donated raffle prizes and cakes and those who came along on the day, despite the terrible weather. We hope to start putting the money to good use to further develop our resources for breaks and lunchtimes, to make them even more enjoyable for the children.

In the Summer break or, in some cases, soon after, we are having a new Sensory Room fitted out, replacing furniture in Year 6 rooms and updating the school kitchen. On our staff training day, we are learning more about approaches to phonics and early reading and, from September, our ways of teaching Writing and Maths will also be amended. Take a look at videos and information on if you want to find more about our supplementary Maths approach: more information about changes will follow in September.  Regarding homework, we will be returning to a 'real' (not virtual) reading log and Maths homework will use In release time for teachers next year (half a day), Mr Jarvis will be taking a PE lesson and Mrs Elvidge will be taking the other lesson after changing her role to teach Music across the school.

All of that is for the future and that is where we are always looking to make Sacred Heart even better! 

In the meantime, thank you for your continued support and enjoy the Summer!

God bless, keep well.

Mr Beazeley

School Reports

All school reports have now been sent to parents and we hope you find them informative about your child's learning over the last year. If you can spare a moment to acknowledge receipt of the school report we would appreciate it, the link can be found on the report or follow the link here. Thank you for you ongoing support in working with us to educate your child.

School Library

Our Amazon Wishlist is live!! The idea is that friends and family of the school can donate directly to the school library. We’ll still accept preloved copies from home that you may also wish to donate. The selection of books are chosen by the staff as texts that may benefit the pupil's reading comprehension, engagement with the curriculum and foster an interest in reading. The current list is reflective of this and will update as and when donations come through.  The link to our Wishlist is here.

A big thank you to those that have bought books for the school, we truly appreciate it.

Upcoming Dates

18th July - Last Day of Term

19th July to 2nd September - SUMMER HOLIDAYS
3rd September - INSET Day – NO children in school

Wednesday 4th September - CHILDREN RETURN TO SCHOOL

Online Safety

Free holidays clubs in the summer

This Summer, the Holiday Activities and Food programme returns. Providing eligible children and young people with free, fun activities at holiday clubs this Summer. Find out more and book your activities today:


There is additional support for children with SEND. 

School Nurse

What's Happening at Sacred Heart

Year 6 production of Matilda was a huge success.  Well done to all pupils and teachers in delivering a great show.

Talent Show - Some wonderful acts were seen and finished off with a turn from some of the teachers.

Reception Sports morning - All the pupils had a go at a variety of sporting activities.

We celebrated pupils and staff that are superstars in all aspects of their school life.

Our Eco Warriors enjoyed celebrating their Green Flag today and told the school all about what they have completed to achieve the flag.

The Band - After months of talk, the Sacred Heart Band had their first performance and it was worth the wait. We look forward to more performances in the future.

Year 2 visited the Tower of London and learnt all about the history that has happened there over many centuries.

Notices from the School Office

FOSH have now confirmed the total profit raised from the summer fayre is £2,520.24.

Thank you to everybody who support us with the Fayre, to all the helper’s, people who donated raffle prizes and cakes and those who came along on the day despite the terrible weather.

Summer Reading Challenge 2024

The Summer Reading Challenge 2024 will be taking place in libraries once again this year.  This year’s theme is Marvellous  Maker’s and is based on developing children’s creativity.

Encouraging children to read throughout the long summer holiday has been proven to maintain children’s literacy skills and develop a life-long love of reading.

Your child should have bought home a card with some information on regarding the challenge.  The school with the most children taking part will receive a certificate.

For further details please visit

Outstanding Money

As we draw closer to the end of the academic year we would like to remind all parents of the importance that all outstanding monies owing on School Money are settled.

Please take the time to log on to your School Money accounts and make payments for dinners/trips/snack/clubs.  In particular any YR6 children must have their account balances settled urgently.  If you have any financial difficulties regarding making any payments then please make contact with the school office to arrange a meeting.

Thank you for your support.

Dear Parents/Carers

Please ensure your child is bringing in a healthy snack each day.   They should NOT have chocolate, cakes or crisps, although baked savoury snacks are acceptable. 

We are a Healthy School and must ensure all children are following the guidelines.  Snacks must also NOT contain nuts or any type of nutty spread like Nutella or praline etc. as we are a nut free school.

Thank you for your continued support with this matter.

We would like to remind all our families using breakfast club of the importance of booking in advance.  We have noticed an increase of children not booking in advance and this effects our staffing ratio.

All bookings must be made at the beginning of each week so we can ensure we have enough staff available.  Priority will be given to children who have booked in advance and those who have not booked may not be able to stay.

If you need assistance making a booking please email

We would like to remind all our families that we are a nut free school to protect some of our pupils/staff and therefore request that no items of food containing nuts are brought in.  We have noticed an increasing number of children bringing in snacks and spreads containing nuts ie cereal bars, chocolate spread etc.  We hope you all understand the importance that some of our community have epi pens for their allergies and we need to ensure their safety at all times.  Thank you for your co-operation.

New School Uniform Supplier

Due to the closure of Paul's School Uniform, we have made a new partnership with Brand Identity Schoolwear.  You can order online at or buy at their store - Unit 2, 555 Sutton Rd, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 5FB (the entrance is on Stock Road).

An alternative retailer is Crawlers, who can be found at 361 Hamstel Road, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4LE

Uniform Policy

Here is a reminder of our SCHOOL UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS as parents may be considering purchasing uniform for the summer term. Please also pay special attention to the jewellery and hairstyles requirements as well, thank you. 

Young Carer Session (CALM) -  St. Lukes Community Hub

Local Events

Information for Parents

Ten Ten Newsletter

Please follow the link to the Ten Ten collective Worship Newsletter this month  

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF   

Tel: 01702 414200