Newsletter 37 28/06/24

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF   

Tel: 01702 414200

Love of God, Love of One Another, Love of our World and Love of learning


Dear God, 

Thank you for our world and our Sacred Heart Family. 

Thank you for our Euro victory in the semi-finals and our football team. 

Please help our school community and our marvellous teachers. 

Thank you for Mr Beazley, Mrs Crabb, Mr Smith and Mrs White. 


By Trinitee, St. Joseph

Headteacher Message

Good day to you all. I hope that you have been enjoying the improved weather although it never takes long before we're complaining about how hot it is!

Thankfully, the heat eased a little this morning, with cloud cover and breeze to accompany the first of our internal sports mornings. Year 3 and 4 were the Year groups rotating around the playground and taking part in a series of competitive events between our House teams. I didn't realise until this morning that the school has a huge collection of coloured House T-shirts to distinguish the teams and it was lovely to see everyone taking part, wearing them with pride.

The yellow team of Mahatma Gandhi came out on top today and the results of all teams will roll on and accumulate when other Year groups get their chance to perform. KS1 take part on Monday and Years 5 and 6 the day after and finally Reception on 9th July.

Thank you to the parents who joined us and to Mr Jarvis for his consummate planning and leadership of the events. It is certainly tricky for the school not to have access to a field and more space so we do very well with what we have.

Next Friday will be the day when the children get to meet their new teacher(s) for the new school year and you will be informed about this before the day. We also add in additional transition arrangements for those children who sometimes struggle more with change. You will also receive your child's report on Friday too.

Many Year 6 pupils will begin dipping their toe in the secondary school world on the same day so we wish them luck with that. Currently, they are working hard, amongst other things, on what sounds like an end-of-year performance to really look forward to. We will also be celebrating their contribution to the life of Sacred Heart at Thursday's prize giving assembly.

Well done to the Reception OLOL class for their lovely assembly yesterday. They sang beautifully and performed bravely to parents and friends, demonstrating how to model Jesus' calming of the stormy waters in the story that they told.

A note on traffic, parking and road safety: there have been a number of near misses lately and I ask the drivers among you to kindly take special care when manoeuvring around schools including, of course, our own and not to stop on the zig zag lines. I am pleased to report that, at last, there appears to be some movement on the proposed 'School Street Scheme': a statutory consultation begins today for the next three weeks, seeking the views of residents.

Stay safe yourself and enjoy the weekend and coming week. God bless.

Mr Beazeley

** New School Phone Number **

We have recently upgraded our school phone system, and we now have a new main school phone number -
01702 414200.  Please can we ask all parents, carers, and members of our community to update their contacts with our new number.  Thank you.


Please save the date for our annual Summer Fayre which is organised by our Parents Association FOSH who raise valuable funds for the school!

Come along and enjoy the fun and games.  

Helpers are needed on the day -  if you can spend an hour or two to help on a stall we would love to see you.  There will be a sign up sheet in the office.

We will need donations of bottles for our bottle stall i.e. wine/beer/soft drinks/bubble bath etc plus filled jam jars with sweets and toys.  We will be holding a non uniform day on 3 July when children can wear their own clothes in exchange for bringing in a bottle for the stall.

Without your continued support we cannot run these events and are extremely grateful to our families for making these events such a success.

Warmer Weather

As the warmer weather arrives, can we please remind you to send your child to school with a hat, water bottle and ensure sunscreen has been applied in the morning before school. 

Eco-Council Update

Can you help our garden grow?

As part of the School Action Plan to become a Green Flag Eco-School, we are working to improve all of our green spaces in school. We have made a great start but would be very grateful for any donations of cuttings,  plants or herbs. Also, if you had any unwanted garden tools we will make very good use of them!

School Library

Our Amazon Wishlist is live!! The idea is that friends and family of the school can donate directly to the school library. We’ll still accept preloved copies from home that you may also wish to donate. The selection of books are chosen by the staff as texts that may benefit the pupil's reading comprehension, engagement with the curriculum and foster an interest in reading. The current list is reflective of this and will update as and when donations come through.  The link to our Wishlist is here.

A big thank you to those that have bought books for the school, we truly appreciate it.

Upcoming Dates

1st July - Sports Morning - Years 1 & 2

2nd July - Sports Morning - Year 5 & 6

3rd July  - Prize Giving Years R-2 selected students at 9.00am
3rd July - Brazilian Carnival Day at Priory Park – Year 5

3rd July - Bottle day - Non-uniform for the school fayre

4th July - Borough Sports – KS1 selected team
4th July – Prize Giving Years 3-5 selected students at 9.00am

4th July – Prize Giving Year 6 at 2.00pm

5th July - Year 6 Transition Day at new senior schools

5th July - Meet your new teacher morning – whole school

5th July - School Reports emailed to parents

7th  July - School Fayre 12:15pm - 3pm (entrance via the Southchurch entrance)
9th July - Tower of London Trip – Year 2

9th July - Taster Day at catholic Senior Schools – Year 5
10th July - Year 6 Production of Matilda 7pm

11th July - Year 6 Production of Matilda 7pm
18th July - Leavers Assembly at 2.00pm

18th July - Last Day of Term

19th July to 3rd September - SUMMER HOLIDAYS

Wednesday 4th September - CHILDREN RETURN TO SCHOOL

SEN Update

SEND Summer term Update 


In the next coming weeks, the teachers will be sharing the summer Individual Support Plans (ISP) with all the families, who have children with special educational needs. I hope the plans devised will support the transition time into the new classes over the summer period, into the autumn term. Your input is greatly appreciated as we know that children with additional needs need a high level of support at home too. Your class teacher will be in contact with you for a meeting  and provide you with a new password. The ISPs will be online, please log onto to communicate and share your views. Please speak to your class teacher if you need further support with this process. 


To find out further how we support children with special educational needs, at Sacred Heart Catholic school please click on this link:


To those children moving onto secondary school their SEN files will be shared electronically with their new school. The children with SEN, have all been invited to additional visits to their new school to explain the plans for September. If you want to find out further details please contact the school office. 

School Nurse

Star of the week

Here are our stars of the week who have represented our core values well through their actions of responsibility, achievement, compassion, equality, faith and respect.

What's Happening at Sacred Heart

Our Lady of Lourdes Class shared their class assembly today with their families and the school community. They shared the message of being brave with God's Love to help us through times when we are scared.

Our Eco Warriors went to complete our final beach clean before summer today and our school has successfully been awarded our Eco Schools Green Flag.

Well done to all the pupils who performed so well at Super Sports, after their performances at Borough Sports. You gave 100% and we are so proud of you all.

Reception had the chance to experience both going on a train and wild beach school! We had lots of time for playing and exploring the beach and even got to have our lunch there. We found so many crabs, made lots of sandcastles and created fantastic memories!

Summer Term New Dinner Menu

Notices from the School Office

Summer Reading Challenge 2024

The Summer Reading Challenge 2024 will be taking place in libraries once again this year.  This year’s theme is Marvellous  Maker’s and is based on developing children’s creativity.

Encouraging children to read throughout the long summer holiday has been proven to maintain children’s literacy skills and develop a life-long love of reading.

Your child should have bought home a card with some information on regarding the challenge.  The school with the most children taking part will receive a certificate.

For further details please visit

School Library/Reading Books

As we are drawing to the end of the summer term it is essential that all children return their reading/library books promptly.  There are lots of children not returning their books in a timely fashion.

Lost books are charged at £5 per book and can be paid online via School Money under Shop.

The school has recently invested a lot of money on new books for the children and we ask that our families ensure they are cared for and returned urgently.

Please speak to your class teacher if you have any problems locating a book your child has brought home.

Outstanding Money

As we draw closer to the end of the academic year we would like to remind all parents of the importance that all outstanding monies owing on School Money are settled.

Please take the time to log on to your School Money accounts and make payments for dinners/trips/snack/clubs.  In particular any YR6 children must have their account balances settled urgently.  If you have any financial difficulties regarding making any payments then please make contact with the school office to arrange a meeting.

Thank you for your support.

Dear Parents/Carers

Please ensure your child is bringing in a healthy snack each day.   They should NOT have chocolate, cakes or crisps, although baked savoury snacks are acceptable. 

We are a Healthy School and must ensure all children are following the guidelines.  Snacks must also NOT contain nuts or any type of nutty spread like Nutella or praline etc. as we are a nut free school.

Thank you for your continued support with this matter.

We would like to remind all our families using breakfast club of the importance of booking in advance.  We have noticed an increase of children not booking in advance and this effects our staffing ratio.

All bookings must be made at the beginning of each week so we can ensure we have enough staff available.  Priority will be given to children who have booked in advance and those who have not booked may not be able to stay.

If you need assistance making a booking please email

We would like to remind all our families that we are a nut free school to protect some of our pupils/staff and therefore request that no items of food containing nuts are brought in.  We have noticed an increasing number of children bringing in snacks and spreads containing nuts ie cereal bars, chocolate spread etc.  We hope you all understand the importance that some of our community have epi pens for their allergies and we need to ensure their safety at all times.  Thank you for your co-operation.

New School Uniform Supplier

Due to the closure of Paul's School Uniform, we have made a new partnership with Brand Identity Schoolwear.  You can order online at or buy at their store - Unit 2, 555 Sutton Rd, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 5FB (the entrance is on Stock Road).

An alternative retailer is Crawlers, who can be found at 361 Hamstel Road, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4LE

Uniform Policy

Here is a reminder of our SCHOOL UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS as parents may be considering purchasing uniform for the summer term. Please also pay special attention to the jewellery and hairstyles requirements as well, thank you. 

Young Carer Session (CALM) -  St. Lukes Community Hub

Online Safety

Local Events

Information for Parents

School Calendar

Ten Ten Newsletter

Please follow the link to the Ten Ten collective Worship Newsletter this month  

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF   

Tel: 01702 414200