Newsletter 34 25/05/23

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF   

Tel: 01702 534546

Love of God, Love of One Another, Love of our World and Love of learning


Dear Lord,

Thank you for guiding us with your love and sending your son, Jesus, to earth to teach us how we should act towards others. Thank you for all those who have given up their time to help others so that we can all enjoy a good life.

Please help us to always follow your path and help us to be more like Jesus and his disciples, using them as a guide for our actions. Just as Mary and the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and went and spread the Good News, help us to do the same and always place our trust in you.


By Liana - St Paul Class, Year 6.

Headteacher Message

This week at Sacred Heart…

Another very busy week at Sacred Heart!  

On Monday, pupils from our Year 5 classes took part in their SEESMA rehearsal in preparation for the Junior Music Festival at the Cliffs Pavilion in June.  We cannot wait to see you all perform at this fantastic event in June!  Our Year 3 classes also enjoyed their visit to Southchurch Library on Monday.  This visit was to stimulate pupils’ imagination and a love of reading for pleasure, help develop their confidence in using books and other information sources, whilst also helping them to become independent library users.  

On Monday, we also held another of our first pre-loved uniform sales.  Thank you to all parents/carers who have brought donations into school over time to support this event.  Thank you to Mrs Driscoll and Mrs Horton for laundering / preparing the uniform items prior to sale.  Thank you also to Mrs Avis for helping out on sale day.  We will continue to gratefully receive further donations of used uniform for future sales – thank you.

On Wednesday morning, children from our Infant school represented Sacred Heart School at the annual Pentecost Dash (cross country run) at St Teresa’s School.  I would like to thank all the children who took part in the event: they should all feel really proud of their achievements as they were competing against many other children from Assisi Trust schools.  My thanks also to Mr Jarvis and Mrs Crabb for organising the event and Mrs Banks, Mrs Spivey and Miss Keane, and also parents/carers who helped and supported this event on the day.


On Wednesday afternoon, we had the great pleasure and privilege of welcoming Bishop Alan (accompanied by Father Graham) to the school, as part of his pastoral visit to the parish.  We enjoyed a special assembly together during which pupils had the opportunity to ask some questions about the role of the bishop.  Bishop Alan also gave a special blessing to our Early Years outdoor area.  Some of our Year 6 Ambassadors took on the responsibility of giving Bishop Alan a tour of the school – a big ‘thank you’ to Jesse, Iris and Sophia for representing us so well.  We were incredibly proud of how well all the pupils engaged and behaved impeccably throughout this important visit.

Please be reminded that tomorrow, Friday 26th May, the school is closed to pupils – as it is a non-pupil INSET Day.

Wishing you and your families a restful half-term break.  We look forward to seeing the pupils on their return on Monday 5th June.

God bless,  

Mrs. Mullally

Diary Events

What's Happening

On Wednesday, Bishop Alan visited our school, he spoke to the KS2 children during assembly and he then blessed the new Early Years outdoor area and visited the pupils in KS1.

Year 3 have been studying illustrators and looking at characters in the 3 Little Pigs.  They have started creating 3D characters of either 'the wolf' or 'one of the pigs' using Modroc.

Year 3 also visited Southchurch Library to look at a variety of illustrators in picture books and look at new releases in the book world.

Year 2 have been busy in their music lessons,  learning how to play a recorder.  It was a delight to listen to them all play together in unison.

Year 2 have been learning about life cycles and, this week, they were visited by some chicks.  They enjoyed stroking them and listen to their chirps whilst they kept warm under their heat lamp.

Year 1 have been reading Biscuit Bear in their English lessons and they have enjoyed decorating their own Biscuit Bears.

Summer Fayre

 A date for your diary - 



Please come along to this fun event raising valuable funds for the school.  Lots of exciting stalls and refreshments and activities for all the family.

We also need your help to run the stalls -  if you are able to give some time to help on a stall we would be most grateful.  We cannot run the fayre without our parents' support.  There is a sign up sheet in the school office so pop in and give your name.

We will also be collecting items for the fayre in due course – please keep an eye on your emails for what will be needed.

Thank you for your support.

Breakfast Club and School Dinner Bookings

Please ensure that all bookings for school dinners and breakfast club are made in advance.  Many children's lunches are not being booked, on a daily basis, and this makes catering for the school very difficult.  We are very conscious of food wastage being bad for the environment so we really do require all families to take the time to book their child’s lunches in advance.  If booked on the day, we will not be able to guarantee their meal choice.

Also, Breakfast Club bookings must be made in advance to ensure sufficient staffing.  Some children are arriving without bookings and this can be a strain on our staffing first thing in the morning.

All bookings must be made via School Money in advance and payment made where applicable.

Thank you

Smart Watches &  Phones

A polite reminder that pupils should not be bringing in their phones to school or wearing smart watches. This is to keep children safe in our school environment and in line with school policy. 


A reminder for the expectations of hair styles at school.

Times Tables Rock Stars

A huge well done to all our top Times Tables Rock Stars this week!

This week's winning class, was St Gabriel Class.

Overall winners for improved accuracy are Daniel C and Namo C.

You all Rock!

Reading Climb Challenge

Summer Term Dinner Menu

Adventure Island Tickets

You can get Adventure Island Tickets from the school office at a low price.  

One Ride Bands priced at £15.00 and Sealife Tickets for £7.00.  

Please ask the office staff for details.  

We can only accept cash as payment for these.

Essex Fire Museum

The Essex Fire Museum (situated behind Grays Fire Station) are having two family open days on Sunday 28th May and Tuesday 30th May (half term).

There will be opportunities for families to get involved in history trails around the museum, spot hazards in our new fire safety room, partake in craft activities and a sit on our fire engines (and squirt water😊).   

The museum is free entry (but visits are by appointment only…… we are on the site of an operational fire station). 

If families are interested, could they please email us at  and tell us the number in their party and the time they would like to arrive (we are open from 10.30am to 4.00pm).   This is just because we like to keep the station informed of numbers throughout the day. 

Our family open days for the rest of the year are also listed on our website 

Fire Station, Hogg Lane, Grays RM17 5QS

Phone: 01376 576847



Regular attendance at school is vital for children to thrive.  Missing school can have a significant effect on education with children missing key learning and having gaps in their knowledge and understanding.  Wherever possible, please ensure your child is attending school every day!  We like to reward positive attendance and currently have weekly and termly attendance rewards. 

Every week, the best class attendance wins a cuddly toy for the week, a certificate, and an extra go on the play equipment! 

This week's winners:

Each term the class with the highest attendance wins a pizza party with their class mates. 

The current leaders...

Do you want to be a Teacher?

Do you want to be a teacher?

Training with us could not be easier!  We are currently training around 100 teachers a year in our dynamic partnership of schools.


Our school is proud to work in partnership with Essex and Thames SCITT, one of the country’s leading providers of initial teacher training.  Providing teacher training for almost 25 years and working in partnership with Anglia Ruskin University, the courses offer excellent value for money and an opportunity to train with some of the very best teachers in the area.


Visit for details of all our courses.  We’d love to welcome you to our partnership to begin your new career.  Just get in touch with us to discuss your options.

Email us at or ring us on 01268 988580.  Or apply here.


We look forward to hearing from you.

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF   

Tel: 01702 534546