Newsletter 11 18/11/22

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF

Tel: 01702 534546

Love of God, Love of One Another, Love of our World and Love of learning


Dear Lord,

God is the creator of the world, we should be thanking Him that we have this planet to live on.

God is forgiveness in whatever you do or say, God will forgive you everytime.

God is the leader of heaven, who guides us people to his kingdom up above.

God is the shepherd, who cradles us when we are worried, he finds us when we are lost

God is unconditional love no matter what

Give thanks to God, God is so good!

Written by Zach, Year 6

Headteacher Message

This week at Sacred Heart…

Across November, the theme of ‘Loving One Another’ has continued. This week, we have marked national Anti-Bullying Week through our assemblies. We began the week with an ‘Odd Socks Day’ on Monday – this event reminded us all that it’s good to stand out - and appreciate each individual’s differences. It has been pleasing to see some continued excellent examples of kindness being shown towards pupils and adults across the school.

Our Year 5 pupils have been working incredibly hard across this half-term in preparing for their Shakespearean performances. On Wednesday and Thursday this week, St Michael Class and St Gabriel Class shared their productions of Julius Caesar and Romeo and Juliet with the school and parents/carers. Thank you to all pupils (and teachers) across Year 5 for your great commitment to this piece of work – the high standard you achieved was impressive! Thank you also to parents/carers for support pupils so well.

On Thursday, Year 3 St Maximilian Kolbe Class led our collective worship with their wonderful Class Assembly. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of sharing the light of Jesus with others through our behaviour towards others. We were all very impressed how you shared your message in so many different ways – through your readings, narrating/acting and through wonderful singing! Many thanks to parents and carers who were available to attend and join the children in their worship and prayer.

Wishing all our families a blessed weekend.

Mrs. Mullally

Diary Events

  • Throughout the month of November - Love One Another Month - showing kindness to others will be a special focus across the month

  • 24th Nov - St Padre Pio Class Assembly at 9.00am – in school hall – parents/carers are welcome

  • 25th Nov - Flu Immunisation day

  • 29th Nov - Parent Internet Safety Workshop (8:00 pm online )

  • 30th Nov - Year 1 Snakes Alive workshop

  • 1st Dec - Infant Advent Assembly at 9.00am – in school hall – pupils only

  • 1st Dec - Junior Advent Penitential Service at 10.45am – in school hall – pupils only

  • 4th Dec - FOSH Christmas Fayre

  • 6th Dec - Christmas Disco Day

  • 7th Dec - EYFS Nativity Sing-along at 9.30am and 1.30pm – in school hall – parents/carers are welcome

  • 8th Dec - KS1 Nativity at 9.30am – in school hall – parents/carers are welcome

  • 9th Dec - KS1 Nativity at 9.30am – in school hall – parents/carers are welcome

  • 12th Dec - No After or Before School Clubs this week

  • 13th Dec - KS2 (Years 5 & 6 ) Christmas Concert at 1.45pm and 7.00pm – in Sacred Heart Church – parents/carers are welcome

  • 15th Dec - Christmas Dinner / Christmas Jumper or Outfit Day

  • 20th Dec - Christmas Story Assembly – pupils only

  • 20th Dec - Mini Report Day

  • 21st - 4th Jan - Christmas Holiday

  • 5th Jan - Children return to school

What's Happening?

Last Friday, during Remembrance Day year 5 St Michael's produced some wonderful poppy inspired art work. Don't they look amazing! You will be able to see this work in the school atrium.

There is even more art work around the school to mark Remembrance Day. In Reception, the children created a wonderful poppy print and in Year 3 they created a beautiful wreath using hand prints.

Thank you to all our families for supporting Odd Socks Day today to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week. We saw so many different colours and patterns. We will be doing more work on how we can 'reach out' to ensure bullying doesn't happen in our school.

Thank you to St Maximilian class for their wonderful class assembly today! You shared the wonderful message about shining your own light as bright as you can!

Thank you for all your feedback in our recent questionnaire at parent's evening. Our questionnaire is now closed. Thank you also to all our Ambassadors that supported our Parent's evenings - by welcoming parents/carers and directing them to rooms, alongside helping out with questionnaires.

Well done to our Year 5 children for their brilliant Shakespeare performances this week. We were so impressed with your confidence and acting skills. There were so many difficulty lines to learn and act - what an impressive outcome!

Times Tables Rock Stars

A huge well done to all our top Times Tables Rock Stars this week.

This week's winners are based on most effort.

You all Rock!!!!


Regular attendance at school is vital for children to thrive. Missing school can have a significant effect on education with children missing key learning and having gaps in their knowledge and understanding. Wherever possible, please ensure your child is attending school every day! We like to reward positive attendance and currently have weekly and termly attendance rewards.

Every week, the best class attendance wins a cuddly toy for the week, a certificate, and an extra go on the play equipment!

This week's winners were:

Each term the class with the highest attendance wins a pizza party with their class mates.

The leaders currently are:

School Uniform

Please could you ensure all items of school uniform are labelled with your child’s name. We return all items that have readable names to the child’s classroom as and when we have the resources to sort through items. We do have a large volume of clothing with no names on. We appreciate these items cost money; however, with no names on them, it makes it hard to reunite items to owners.

Parental Permissions for Photos and Videos

Thank you to all parents that have returned their child’s photo and video permission letter. We enjoy sharing the activities that pupils have completed in and out of school through photos. We will need to have the permission forms back before we publish any photos of your child from now on. The form can be accessed through this link or you can get another copy from the school office.

Year Reception Admissions to Sacred Heart School - September 2023

The application period for our next Reception Classes for September 2023 (for children born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019) is open. Applications must be submitted to Southend Borough Council online at by 15th January 2023. You must also complete our Supplementary Information Form (SIF). The SIF form can be obtained from the school website, under ‘Admissions’. The Supplementary Information Form, along with a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate (if applicable) is to be returned to the school office by 22nd January 2023 .

Sacred Heart School - pupil places

Due to the usual migration of families at the beginning of the academic year, we currently have a small number of pupil places in different classes across the school.

If you know of any family or friends that would be interested in their child joining Sacred Heart School, please direct them to contact the school office on 01702 534546 for more information.

Autumn/Winter Dinner Menu

Free Fuel Poverty Workshops

Southend City Council and Citizens Advice Southend will be delivering three FREE Fuel Poverty workshops at the Southend Climate Hub in November to help frontline workers identify and offer advice on, fuel poverty. Each workshop will help organisations recognise who among those they support may be in fuel poverty, and how to offer help via benefits, grants and energy-saving advice.

Food and beverages will be provided during the sessions.

Please register via the Eventbrite page. Additionally, please feel free to invite others that you think might benefit from attending the workshop.

Essex Fire Museum

Essex Fire Museum is situated in Grays (behind the fire station). We have an open day on Sunday 27th November.

There will be opportunities for families to get involved in history trails around the museum, craft activities and a chance to sit on the fire engines (and squirt water😊).

The museum is free entry (but visits are by appointment only…… we are on the site of an operational fire station).

If families are interested, then please email us at and tell us the number in their party and the time they would like to arrive (we are open from 10.00am to 4.00pm). This is just because we have to keep the station informed of numbers throughout the day.

Our address and contact details are:

Fire Station, Hogg Lane, Grays RM17 5QS

Water Bottles

Please be reminded that water bottles should contain water only and have a sports cap.

Suitable (non-breakable) Water Bottles, with a sports cap, are available for purchase at the school office at a low cost.


Please can you ensure that, if needed, your child has their epipen and asthma pumps in school at all times and that we have received the relevant paperwork with authorisation to use them. If your child has been prescribed medication that needs administering in school, please ensure that you complete the medical form which is available from the school office. Thank you.

School Dinners

Please ensure that you book your child a school dinner in advance. Booking is essential for the kitchen to be able to prepare and arrange the correct quantity of food and limit any waste.

If you are having any problems with booking school dinners online, please contact the school office who will be more than happy to help.

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF

Tel: 01702 534546