Newsletter 19 20/01/23

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF

Tel: 01702 534546

Love of God, Love of One Another, Love of our World and Love of learning


Dear Lord,

Help us to work together as a team to overcome our greatest challenges. As a team, we can achieve our greatest goals. We should work with one another as a group. Please help us to get along with each other in our school, even though sometimes we may find this difficult.


Written by Ben and Franek, Year 6

Headteacher Message

This week at Sacred Heart…

This week, I have had the privilege of children sharing much of their learning outcomes with me - including Year 4 pupils sharing their progress in times-tables, Year 6 sharing their reading skills and Year 5 sharing their writing. Thank you children for working so hard – keep it up!

The spring term always presents weather issues. It continues to be particularly cold, so please make sure your child has the appropriate clothing, coat etc. to match the conditions, as these can often change day to day, or even within the school day itself.

We are experiencing an increasing number of cases of flu-like symptoms in the school - amongst children and staff. Please keep a close eye on your children and keep them at home if they feel unwell and have a fever. Due to some impact to our staffing, amid these high levels of flu, there will be times when classes have to be taught and supported by different teachers. Our aim, as ever, will be to maintain familiarity and consistency. Thank you for your understanding and support.

God bless,

Mrs Mullally

Diary Events

  • 22th Jan - Reception Class (start Sept 2023) closing date for additional paperwork to school (SIFs and Baptism Certificates)

  • 23rd Jan - Rock Man Workshop in the Hall for Year 3

  • 26th Jan - St Michael Class Share a Prayer Assembly – 9.00am in school hall – parents/carers welcome

  • 2nd Feb - St Clare Class Share a Prayer Assembly – 9.00am in school hall – parents/carers welcome

  • 8th Feb - Final swimming lesson for Year 5 St Gabriel

  • 9th Feb - St Francis Class Share a Prayer Assembly – 9.00am in school hall – parents/carers welcome

  • 10th Feb - Nursery Application closing date for Easter start pupils

  • 13th Feb - 17th Feb - HALF TERM

  • 20th Feb - INSET Day – Non-Pupil Day - NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL

  • 21st Feb - Children return to school

What's Happening

In RE, Year 1 have been learning about the special vocation of the priest. Can you spot Father Graham?

Times Tables Rock Stars

A huge well done to all our top Times Tables Rock Stars this week.

Our leaders this week, based on speed, are Baran O in Year 5 and Reuel D in Year 2

You all Rock!!!!

Message from Director of Public Health -
Scarlet Fever / Group A Strep

Please find some important information below for parents/carers about Scarlet Fever and Group A Strep

Year Reception Admissions to Sacred Heart School - September 2023

The deadline for school applications for our next Reception Classes for September 2023 (for children born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019) to Southend Borough Council ( has now passed (15th January 2023). The school's Supplementary Information Form (SIF) must also be completed to support applications. The SIF form can be obtained from the school website, under ‘Admissions’. The Supplementary Information Form, along with a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate (if applicable) is to be returned to the school office by 22nd January 2023.

Do you want to be a Teacher?

Do you want to be a teacher?

Training with us could not be easier! We are currently training around 100 teachers a year in our dynamic partnership of schools.

Our school is proud to work in partnership with Essex and Thames SCITT, one of the country’s leading providers of initial teacher training. Providing teacher training for almost 25 years and working in partnership with Anglia Ruskin University, the courses offer excellent value for money and an opportunity to train with some of the very best teachers in the area.

Visit for details of all our courses. We’d love to welcome you to our partnership to begin your new career. Just get in touch with us to discuss your options.

Email us at or ring us on 01268 988580. Or apply here.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Regular attendance at school is vital for children to thrive. Missing school can have a significant effect on education with children missing key learning and having gaps in their knowledge and understanding. Wherever possible, please ensure your child is attending school every day! We like to reward positive attendance and currently have weekly and termly attendance rewards.

Every week, the best class attendance wins a cuddly toy for the week, a certificate, and an extra go on the play equipment!

This week's winners were:

Each term the class with the highest attendance wins a pizza party with their class mates.

The leaders currently are:

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF

Tel: 01702 534546