Newsletter 12 01/12/23

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF   

Tel: 01702 534546

Love of God, Love of One Another, Love of our World and Love of learning


Dear Lord

As we approach this special season of Advent, may we ask for your forgiveness and put behind us all that we have done wrong.

Thank you for sending us your only son who has shown us all how to be kind, compassionate and loving – please help us to be more like Him.

Please fill us all with hope, joy, faith and love so that we may share these with all those around us, helping to make our school and world even better than they are now.


By St Gabriel’s class

Headteacher Message

This is the season of songs ringing out from the hall as children prepare for the upcoming celebrations; it makes a lovely background sound from my office nearby. We are looking forward to seeing you over this period of Advent, beginning with the Christmas Market on Sunday, and hope that you can join us at some time between 12 and 3. Thankyou for your donations of bottles and other items - also to the members and supporters of FOSH, our fundraising parent body.

The festivities continue next week as the children make decorations and other items on Monday afternoon and take part in Advent services on Thursday. The parents of Early Years pupils will be joining us for a singalong on Wednesday and on the same day we will start collecting to support families in need, working alongside the SVP charity. It is important at this time of year that we think of those less fortunate than ourselves, some going through difficult times in these times of financial hardship, reflecting a core Catholic value of loving and caring for others.

There is always lots going on at school, organised and provided by a whole range of staff and other adults, for which we are grateful. This week have seen lots of bike activity on the playground as Years 6 and 4 have some Bikeability training. We also had late availability for a 'Mighty Minds' coding and computing workshop yesterday which was enjoyed by Year 4 and 5. Another busy week awaits...

Enjoy your weekend.

God bless,

Mr. Beazeley

School Calendar

Stars of the Week

Upcoming Dates

4th Dec -  Year 6 Respect Workshop
4th Dec - Christmas Decoration morning
6th Dec - EYFS Sing Along at 9.30am and 2.00pm
6th - 8th Dec - SVP Foodbank Christmas collection
7th Dec - KS1 Advent Assembly (KS1/Reception)
7th Dec - KS2 Advent Reconciliation Service (KS2)
11th Dec - KS1 Nativity in school hall at 2pm (KS1/parents)
12th Dec - KS1 Nativity in school hall at 9.30am (KS1/parents)
12th Dec - Year 6 Victorian Christmas Day
14th Dec - KS2 Christmas Concert in church at 1:45pm (KS2/parents)
14th Dec - KS2 Christmas Concert in church at 7pm (KS2/parents)
15th Dec - EYFS and KS1 afternoon party
18th Dec - KS2 afternoon party
19th Dec - Christmas Dinner (Whole School)
20th Dec -  Last day of term
21st Dec - 3rd Jan - CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS

What's Happening at Sacred Heart

Our school Kurling team enjoyed a competition against other local teams at Garons yesterday and they really enjoyed it and performed well.

Our school Boccia team also participated at a local competition and played so well and had a really enjoyable time.

Our Year 4 and 5 pupils had an exciting day with RAF Mighty Minds Maths, learning how to build and code a robot

Year 6 have been completing their level 1 Bikeability on the playground before learning how to ride on the road. 

This week our road markings got a freshen up by the council. Could we all try to remember to leave these areas clear to ensure safety of all pupils and adults at drop off times.

Christmas Calendar

As the season of Advent approaches, we wanted to share our Christmas plans with you. As always, at this special time of year, we are really looking forward to giving our children the best experience possible this term.   To read more about all these events, please click here

Reception Class September 2024 Applications

Is your child’s birthday between 01 September 2019 and 31st August 2020? If so they will be starting school in September 2024 and you need to apply online to the Council and also complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) for Sacred Heart school. The closing date for all applications is 15th January 2024. 

Change to the Price of Snacks

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are writing to inform you that due to the increase in the price of whole-sale food and the cost of living crisis, we will now have to increase the cost of snacks on the snack trolley to 30p. 

In addition, to maintain the healthy status of the school, the snack trolley will now only stock ‘healthy snacks’. For example, a variety of fruit, vegetables and yoghurt drinks.

Thank you

Winter Menu

Times Tables Rockstars

A huge well done to all our top Times Tables Rock Stars this week!

This week's winning class is  MMOG

You all Rock!

Reading Champions

Breakfast Club Bookings

We would like to remind all our families using breakfast club of the importance of booking in advance.  We have noticed an increase of children not booking in advance and this effects our staffing ratio.

All bookings must be made at the beginning of each week so we can ensure we have enough staff available.  Priority will be given to children who have booked in advance and those who have not booked may not be able to stay.

If you need assistance making a booking please email

School Uniform Info

Mr Jarvis would very much appreciate it if parents could donate any old shin pads to the school for PE lessons. 

Please see the office if you are able to help.  Thank you.

We have a lot of unlabelled school uniform.  We have respectfully asked that all our families take the time to label all items of uniform so we can ensure uniform is reunited with their owners, we will now start to label items in school if they do not have names on to try and help with the retuning of items to pupils. 

Uniform Policy - Earrings

We are reminding parents/carers that the school has a strict ‘no earrings’ policy, as we have had a number of children arriving back at school wearing earrings.

Please can we ask you to ensure that your child adheres to our policy by ensuring that earrings are removed each day before school.  If a child does attend school with earrings, they will be asked to remove the earrings and parents/carers will be contacted.

This policy of ‘no earrings’ is quite clearly written in our school prospectus and website.  Parents/carers are advised on this policy within application materials and reminded regularly through school communications.  The school and its governing body expect parents and carers to adhere to this policy please.

Is my child too ill for school?

The NHS has produced guidance to help you make a decision as to whether to send your child to school. Please see this at the following link NHS Guidance: Is my child too ill for school?  

If your child has sickness or diarrhea remember that ALL children must remain at home until they have had 48 clear hours after the last bout of illness/symptoms. This Government requirement to prevent the spread of these highly infections illnesses. Please do not send your child back to school too soon, thank you.

Allergy Notice

A reminder to parents... we are a nut free school, so that means no Nutella/chocolate spread and peanut butter etc. should be bought in to school, including in packed lunches.  This is due to the fact that we have pupils severely allergic to nuts.  Thank you.


Please can you ensure that, if needed, your child has their epipen and asthma pumps in school at all times and that we have received the relevant paperwork with authorisation to use them.  If your child has been prescribed medication that needs administering in school, please ensure that you complete the medical form which is available from the school office.  Thank you.

School Dinners

Please ensure that you book your child  a school dinner in advance.  Booking is essential for the kitchen to be able to prepare and arrange the correct quantity of food and limit any waste. 

If you are having any problems with booking school dinners online, please contact the school office who will be more than happy to help. 

School Nurse

Sacred Heart Christmas Fayre

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to help on the day -  further help is still needed if possible!

Items still needed   -   filled jam jars (toys/sweets etc)

Good quality raffle prizes -  please bring to the office

Come along at 12.00pm for some fun at this special event - 
food and treats for all!!

Save the date!!    

Our Christmas Fayre will be on Sunday 3 December from 12.00pm-3.00pm.

All our families are invited to come along and support this festive fundraising event for the school.  There will be games, crafts, food and Father Christmas etc.

FOSH would love all our families to take part so donations of good quality raffle prizes would be gratefully received.  

Helper’s area also needed to help on the day -  can you spend some time on the day to help?  We will need people to help with refreshments, stalls and general help on the day.  There will be a sign up sheet in the school office.

We will be having a bring a bottle day on Thursday 30th November -  children are invited to wear non school uniform in return of bringing a bottle for the bottle stall.  This can be alcohol, soft drink, bubble bath etc. 

SVP Foodbank Appeal 
Please bring in any items you can 6th-8th December

Young Carer Session (CALM) -  St. Lukes Community Hub

Online Safety

Local Events

We have two Have two family open days coming up at the Essex Fire Museum on:

- Sunday 26th November 2023
- Sunday 17th December 2023 (Christmas open day / Santa’s grotto)

These are free events.

There will be opportunities for families to get involved in history trails around the museum, spot hazards in our fire safety room, partake in craft activities and a sit on our fire engines (and squirt water😊).   People can buy tickets for Santa’s grotto (17th December) on site.   

 The museum is free entry (but visits are by appointment only…… we are on the site of an operational fire station). 

 If families are interested, could they please email us at:  and tell us the number in their party and the time they would like to arrive (we are open from 10.30am to 4.00pm).   This is just because we have to keep the station informed of numbers throughout the day. 

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF   

Tel: 01702 534546