Newsletter 03 22/09/23

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF   

Tel: 01702 534546

Love of God, Love of One Another, Love of our World and Love of learning


Dear Lord,

Please wash away our sins with your forgiveness. Help us to forgive others and guide us through difficult times, even though we might have done something wrong. It is never too late to say sorry, like the prodigal son did, a parable that your son taught us. 

Thank you for forgiving us when we have sinned. You are the light of the world and you guide us to choose light or dark. We are sorry for all of our wrong choices and our sins today. 


By Benecia and Skyla St Michaels class – Year 6

Headteacher Message

I am looking forward to seeing any parents who can make it to a meeting at school next Thursday at 5pm. I hope to hear some of your positive views about the school as well as areas for development. I'll also be able to share some thoughts of my own about the future of the school and the path that we may take. The day before, I'll be meeting with our new School Council, made up of pupils from Year 1 to Year 6, to hear their early thoughts.

I am sure that the children will have ideas and hopes around playtimes and that is certainly one area where we will look to develop things. On that subject, I will be regularly asking for donations that can build up a bank of items for the children to use. We have a nice, quiet area - away from the main playground - which would be good for those who would sometimes like a bit of peace and reflection. If you have any seating - such as deckchairs, camping chairs or similar - that you no longer use, we'd be grateful to receive them! Similarly, but for a different type of activity altogether, we would be delighted to receive any costumes and outfits that the children could use for imaginative dressing-up play. Whatever we may ask for, please only donate what you really have no more need of.

This weekend some pupils will be sitting their 11+ exams for secondary school entry, we wish you all the best for these. Also wishing luck to our Year 6 girls playing in their first school football tournament next week, some great skills have been seen during practices with Mr Jarvis. 

To enable the further development of positive and enjoyable playtimes, as I mentioned before, we will soon be looking for additional lunchtime staff. This will initially be on a temporary basis or on a 'relief' basis: an advert for roles will be out soon.

In my three weeks at the school so far, I've started to get to know the children and have been impressed by their behaviour, on the whole, in and out of lessons. We have, however, been looking at our policy and procedures in relation to rewards and sanctions - to make things even clearer - and we'll be sharing a draft of them soon for your comment. Our behaviour, I believe, can get even better if we can make the best of our social and playtimes at break and lunch.

Once again, I wish you a lovely weekend and hope that the end of September goes well for you.

God bless,

Mr. Beazeley

School Calendar

Stars of the Week

St Felicity, St Brigid, St Clare, St Max, MMOG, St Michael

St Perpetua, St Patrick, St Francis, St Padre, St Joseph, 

St Gabriel

Upcoming Dates

23rd Sept - Optional 11+ Selection Test
25th Sept - Individual School Photo Day
26th Sept - Flu Immunisation Day
27th Sept - Food Collections for SVP - more information to follow
2nd Oct - Year 3 Beach Trip in the Morning
4th Oct - INSET Day
4th-6th Oct - Year 6 Residential Trip to Skreens Park
6th Oct - Cross Country for KS1 and KS2
12th Oct - St Michael’s Class Assembly at 9am in school hall (St Michael Yr 6)
18th Oct - Football & Netball Tournament – Assisi Trust (selected pupils) (Year 6)
19th Oct -St Joseph’s Class Assembly at 9am in school hall (St Joseph Year 5)
20th Oct - Nursery Application closing date for January start (Pre-schoolers)
23rd-27th Oct - HALF TERM
30th Oct - Children Return to School

What's Happening

Year 5 drew large number lines outside to help their understanding of numbers to 1,000,000

Year 4 have been busy experimenting with electrical circuits and trying to make the bulb light up.

Year 2 have been learning all about materials and their absorbency. They have carried out an experiment to see which paper would absorb the quickest  and then they tested a variety of other materials during this week.

Times Tables Rockstars

A huge well done to all our top Times Tables Rock Stars this week!

This week's winning class is Mary Mother of God

Overall winners this week are Stanley T and Niyyat A

You all Rock!

School Uniform Info

Our next uniform event will be after school on Friday 6th October - 
come and take advantage of some free spare items

Mr Jarvis would very much appreciate it if parents could donate any old shin pads to the school for PE lessons.  Please see the office if you are able to help.  Thank you.

At the start of the academic year we already have a lot of unlabelled school uniform.  We respectfully ask that all our families take the time to label all items of uniform so we can ensure uniform is reunited with their owners.

Uniform Policy - Earrings

We are reminding parents/carers that the school has a strict ‘no earrings’ policy, as we have had a number of children arriving back at school wearing earrings.

Please can we ask you to ensure that your child adheres to our policy by ensuring that earrings are removed each day before school.  If a child does attend school with earrings, they will be asked to remove the earrings and parents/carers will be contacted.

This policy of ‘no earrings’ is quite clearly written in our school prospectus and website.  Parents/carers are advised on this policy within application materials and reminded regularly through school communications.  The school and its governing body expect parents and carers to adhere to this policy please.

Allergy Notice

A reminder to parents... we are a nut free school, so that means no Nutella/chocolate spread and peanut butter etc. should be bought in to school, including in packed lunches.  This is due to the fact that we have pupils severely allergic to nuts.  Thank you.


Please can you ensure that, if needed, your child has their epipen and asthma pumps in school at all times and that we have received the relevant paperwork with authorisation to use them.  If your child has been prescribed medication that needs administering in school, please ensure that you complete the medical form which is available from the school office.  Thank you.

School Dinners

Please ensure that you book your child  a school dinner in advance.  Booking is essential for the kitchen to be able to prepare and arrange the correct quantity of food and limit any waste. 

If you are having any problems with booking school dinners online, please contact the school office who will be more than happy to help. 

Online Safety

Local Events

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF   

Tel: 01702 534546