Newsletter 16 20/12/22

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF

Tel: 01702 534546

Love of God, Love of One Another, Love of our World and Love of learning


Dear Lord,

As we leave school to celebrate Christmas with our families and loved ones, may we always have You at the centre of our hearts and thoughts. You sent your son to us to show us what it means to be kind and loving and we promise we shall try to be just like him in all we do.

Thank you for our teachers who work so hard to help us all learn. May they have a restful holiday with their families.

Please keep us safe while we are away and help us all to return to school ready to learn and have fun with our friends.


By Year 6 – St. Paul’s class

Headteacher Christmas Message

We are delighted to be able to share with you some special Christmas Nativity memories from our pupils!

Click here to view the photos.

Please note that parental permission which parents/carers previously gave for school photographs to be published within school documentation will apply here. This site and its content is intended for the use of pupils and parents/carers of Sacred Heart School and Nursery only. We ask that the content of our site is not shared or placed on any social media website including Facebook, Twitter or Instagram; the safety and wellbeing of the children of Sacred Heart remains our top priority.

We hope that you enjoy these very special Christmas memories created by our pupils.

We look forward to welcoming the children back to school in the new year - their first day back at school is Thursday 5th January 2023.

Thank you for all the generous and thoughtful Christmas gifts that have been sent in for school staff. As always, this is never expected, but greatly appreciated.

We wish all our families a Holy, Happy and Peaceful Christmas.

God bless,

Mrs Mullally

Staff News

Happy Retirement Mrs Melville!

Our most long-standing member of staff, Mrs Melville, is stepping away from her role as part of our teaching team, to begin a well-earned and much looked forward to retirement!

Mrs Melville has worked at Sacred Heart School for an incredible thirty years. Across this time, she has worked in a number of roles, most particularly, as a teaching support staff member and our Choir Leader. She has touched the lives of many generations of children, and has undoubtedly left a very positive impact, inspiring countless children to enjoy singing and achieve very highly in performing arts.

Mrs Melville will continue to make visits to the school in the coming months to support our Choir, but will be stepping away from her main role in the classroom to enjoy more time with her family.

I am sure you will join me in thanking her for her long service to Sacred Heart School and wishing her a long and happy retirement.

Staff farewell!

It is with sadness that I am sharing with you that Mrs Grover will be leaving Sacred Heart School, having decided that she will not return after her maternity leave. We wish her the very best in the future. Miss Field, who has been employed as our Maternity Cover Teacher this year, will continue to assume the role of Reception Class Teacher.

Diary Events

  • 21st Dec - 4th Jan - Christmas Holiday

  • 5th Jan - Children return to school

  • 6th Jan - Epiphany Mass at 9.30am – at Sacred Heart Church

  • 11th Jan - Swimming starts for St Gabriel

  • 15th Jan - Closing date for applications to be submitted for Reception Class places

  • 18th Jan - Local Governing Body Meeting at 6.00pm

  • 19th Jan - St Gabriel Class Share a Prayer Assembly – in school hall – parents/carers welcome

  • 22th Jan - Reception Class (start Sept 2023) closing date for additional paperwork to school (SIFs and Baptism Certificates)

  • 26th Jan - St Michael Class Share a Prayer Assembly – in school hall – parents/carers welcome

  • 2nd Feb - St Clare Class Share a Prayer Assembly – in school hall – parents/carers welcome

  • 8th Feb - Swimming - final lesson for St Gabriel

  • 9th Feb - St Francis Class Share a Prayer Assembly – in school hall – parents/carers welcome

  • 10th Feb - Nursery Application closing date for Easter start

  • 13th Feb - 17th Feb - HALF TERM


  • 21st Feb - Children return to school

Times Tables Rock Stars

Don't forget to practise over the Christmas Holidays! Mrs Elvidge will be setting up some extra contests and battles!

Message from Director of Public Health -
Scarlet Fever / Group A Strep

Please find some important information below for parents/carers about Scarlet Fever and Group A Strep

Christmas Services at Sacred Heart Church
and St John Fisher Church, Prittlewell

Year Reception Admissions to Sacred Heart School - September 2023

The application period for our next Reception Classes for September 2023 (for children born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019) is open. Applications must be submitted to Southend Borough Council online at by 15th January 2023. You must also complete our Supplementary Information Form (SIF). The SIF form can be obtained from the school website, under ‘Admissions’. The Supplementary Information Form, along with a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate (if applicable) is to be returned to the school office by 22nd January 2023 .

Garon Park HAF

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF

Tel: 01702 534546