Newsletter 23 24/02/23

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF   

Tel: 01702 534546

Love of God, Love of One Another, Love of our World and Love of learning


Dear Lord,

Please help us to unite as one family in You. With the guidance You give us to help us achieve our greatest ambitions as a team and to support others opinions. Despite our unique, perfect differences, let us recall the talents within us that guides us through your path of goodness and good choices. Teach us to recognise that You and I are one. Being with one in You helps us to realise we are stronger together and progress more when we are united. 

Please make sure the Christian belief flows throughout eternity, not letting vanity ruin the path of good choices. Help people- especially those at war with Ukraine- to be strong and hopeful with one another. Help us to unite and create worldwide peace. 


By Katherine G and Sophia, Year 6

Headteacher Message

This week at Sacred Heart…


I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable half term break.


We are very much looking forward to welcoming parents/carers to our Parent Information Meetings in a couple of weeks.  Please do not forget to book your meeting with your child’s class teacher using the online booking system which has been live since this Wednesday (22nd).  These meetings are a great way to catch up on the progress your child has been making and how this can be supported at home.  The children’s books and other work will be available to look at before your appointment takes place.  We encourage children (particularly in Years 1-6) to come along also so they can share their work and join in with discussions with the class teacher.   We hope you find these meetings useful.  


On Wednesday, Years 4 - 6 attended mass in Sacred Heart Church with Father Graham for Ash Wednesday, along with members of the parish.  Pupils in Nursery - Year 3 also attended an Ash Wednesday service in school with Fr Graham, in which there was a distribution of ashes.  Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten Season, leading up to Easter and culminates in the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection.  We were very proud of the children’s exemplary behaviour during our services this week – and the incredibly high standard of their reading and singing.

World Book Day is coming up – taking place on Thursday 2nd March.  On Thursday, pupils are invited to come to school dressed in pyjamas/nightwear (associated with Bedtime Stories) or a book character costume.  We have an exciting range of book-themed activities planned for the day.  Across this term, we are working to strengthen our culture of reading.  It is widely recognised amongst educationalists that the pandemic has had a detrimental impact on reading habits amongst primary-school pupils.  Please discuss World Book Day with your child and use this as a means of encouraging good, daily reading habits at home (recording this in pupils’ yellow reading logs).  We will be holding some events for parents/carers in the coming weeks to focus on what can be done at home to support reading.

God bless,


Mrs Mullally

Diary Events

FOSH Annual Meeting

FOSH are having their Annual Meeting on Monday 20th March at 7:30pm in the school hall.  Everyone is welcome!  It is a great opportunity to become more involved with the the school community.

Times Tables Rock Stars

A huge well done to all our top Times Tables Rock Stars this week. 

This week's winning class were St Gabriel (Year 5). 

Our individual rockstars, for most improved speed, were Eli M in St Joseph and Reuel D in St Francis

You all Rock!!!!

School Dinner Allergen Update

The kitchen have just been informed that the suppliers of our Chicken Goujons have amended the ingredients to say that they may contain soya.  We have updated our menu below to include an allergy warning for the Chicken Goujons Wraps that are available on Wednesdays.

Adventure Island Tickets

You can get Adventure Island Tickets from the school office at a low price.  

One Ride Bands priced at £15.00 and Sealife Tickets for £7.00.  

Please ask the office staff for details.  

We can only accept cash as payment for these.

Energy Drinks

We have become aware of some pupils having energy drinks in school. These are not to be bought into school and following government guidance children should not be consuming these due to the high volume of caffeine that can be found in them. 

We are also requesting that empty Prime energy drink bottles are not used as water bottles please, to avoid any confusion. 

If we discover any of these drinks or bottles in school they will be confiscated and parents can collect them from the office.


Regular attendance at school is vital for children to thrive.  Missing school can have a significant effect on education with children missing key learning and having gaps in their knowledge and understanding.  Wherever possible, please ensure your child is attending school every day!  We like to reward positive attendance and currently have weekly and termly attendance rewards. 

Every week, the best class attendance wins a cuddly toy for the week, a certificate, and an extra go on the play equipment! 

This week's winners:

Each term the class with the highest attendance wins a pizza party with their class mates. 

The current leaders:

Do you want to be a Teacher?

Do you want to be a teacher?

Training with us could not be easier!  We are currently training around 100 teachers a year in our dynamic partnership of schools.


Our school is proud to work in partnership with Essex and Thames SCITT, one of the country’s leading providers of initial teacher training.  Providing teacher training for almost 25 years and working in partnership with Anglia Ruskin University, the courses offer excellent value for money and an opportunity to train with some of the very best teachers in the area.


Visit for details of all our courses.  We’d love to welcome you to our partnership to begin your new career.  Just get in touch with us to discuss your options.

Email us at or ring us on 01268 988580.  Or apply here.


We look forward to hearing from you.

Address: Sacred Heart School
Windermere Road, Southend, SS1 2RF   

Tel: 01702 534546