
I am poem;I am a animal lover and a friend I wonder If I could own a a pack of dogs I hear wolves howling I see a pack of wolves I want a horseI am a animal lover and a friendI feel loveed I touch a horses silky coat I worry about never getting a horse I cry about animals pasing away I am a animal lover and a friend I understand its a lot of work to own animals I dream about having a pack of dogs I try to train my dog I hope to have amazing friends I am a animal lover and a friend Color poems: Blue Blue is the sky Blue is the water Blue is sadness Gold Gold is warm Gold is shiny Gold is metal PinkPink is lovePink is friendshipPink is the sunset White White is blankWhite is colorlessWhite is emotionless OrangeOrange is a fruitOrange dosent rym Orange is vibrant
Curse poem: MilkI hope you go badMay you be chunky and sad I hope you stay on the shelf and get moldy and old May you be left in the cold I hope your future isn't very bright May you get squeezed tight I hope you get dropped while people walk May you taste like chalk I hope your cap breaks and gets thrown away May a stray chew you away I hope you never get put into a cup May people never look at you closeup
Cinquain peoms:
Pineapple wolvesEvil,sadBite,chew,swallowThey are da best Hehehe
WeefieMad,sadArt,laughing,textingBecoming the pineapple peoplezHoomans Jackie Funny,madArt,soccer,GamingPineapple is da best C-M