Lindsay T

April 1, 2019

Today was almost the last day of testing i was very happy for that because i do not like testing. Today for testing i did the last session of reading in testing. Also when it is reading in testing it has you read something then answer a question about what you just read. Then you answer that question by using the text to help you. Then we went to music and i got to finish up my cd and cut out my background for my cd cover and glue it on the cd case, that was fun.

The month of April:

March 31, 2019

Today me and Adrianna woke up at 6;00 am in the morning and got up and got dressed and went down stairs. Also we had to take my dog Moana out to go to the bathroom. Then we came back inside and we had to ask my parents if we could make pancakes. They said yes so me and Adrianna made little mini pancakes to eat for breakfast. They were really good pancakes.

March 30, 2019

Today it is my cousin Michelle’s birthday she will turn 25 just like my brother. Today Adrianna came over and we played a couple games and we made our own CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE CAKE. Then for dinner we made ourselves Mac and cheese and chicken nuggets and salad. Then she slept over that night.

March 29, 2019

Today was a normal Friday until i had to leave school early for a party at my grandfather’s house. Also there was mostly sweets and like no food after like 2 hours people went into the garage so they could cool off. Then the heat went up and everyone came in the breezeway there was a lot people in there then people started going in the kitchen. Then we put some pictures on the tv of my grandfather in a slideshow. I had mostly SWEETS not anything HEALTHY.

March 28, 2019

Today we had testing for math and this time the questions were different because they were different kinds of math not all the same. Today we were suppose to do library but since we had a party with songs in Mrs, Johnson’s room. It was really fun. Today we got to have extra recess i got to play a game with friends on the swings my friends went really i went in the middle.

March 27, 2019

Today we had testing for math i got really bored because there were so many questions. Today is my brother Andrew birthday he will be 25 years old. That is very fun when you get to send a card for him because he is a very nice brother sometimes you have to get him to come and see me and my mom and dad. On Sunday he coming over after 6 years of not seeing him i have not seen him for 6 years.

March 26, 2019

Today i had art and i got finish painting my art work. Also i got to see what shades other people did with there colors. Also after school i did Girl On The Run and i ran with my friends. My lap goal was 10 but i really did 18 laps done in 30 minutes.

March 25, 2019

Today i had a great day. I went to music class and i got to listen to music with my friends. Also i glued on my cover and back cover and i had a pretty background. Also today i was test on Wednesday that was for 6 days. Also today i went to Rec with Adrianna.

March 24, 2019

Today we went to the Maple breakfast surprisingly there was huge line to get to the breakfast. Last year when we went there was only 3 people in line and we came at the same time. So we had to go to a restaurant that was down the street. After we ate we went to a store across the street and we spent like 45 minutes in the store and then we went home and played with the my DOG.

March 23, 2019

Today i did went to Girl Scouts and we did a cookie booth by Pet Life in Saco. Also during the cookie my Dad was walking the dog so the dog got to go to the cookie booth. When we got cold we got to go in the store to warm up. We sold all of our Thin mints we had the most of the Carmel De Lites. Also i played vidoe game with ym Dad.

March 22, 2019

Today i went to swimming like i normally would do on Friday’s. Swimming went from 5:45-6:30. Also at the end of class we had free swim and play time we got to play with the rings with my friends and people in the swim class.

March 21, 2019

Today i did Girls on the run and it went from 2;30-4:15 we did more running then we did on Tuesday. It was really fun a lot of the Girls got tired i didn’t because i took my time running. Then i went to swimming today because i normally go on Wednesday but Mrs,Smith came over so i have to do it today.

March 20, 2019

Today is baking club for rise and shine. We decorated cupcake and we got to eat one but some people left them for snack. Today is also my conference that i am doing at home because i am doing a home interview and Mrs. Smith is coming over at 5:00. I hope Mrs.Smith enjoyed coming to my house and my interview with my Mom and hoped she learned a lot about my Mom.

March 19, 2019

Today was my first Girl on the Run meet in room 1. What we do when we are at Girls on the Run is we do snack at the beginning when first get to room 1 , then we go outside to do a warm up then do our running then do a cool down at the end them we wait for our parents at the end of Girls on the Run or go to Parks and Rec. Then i played Family Feud with my Mom and Dad it was very fun.

March 18, 2019

Today i am going to Girl Scouts and we are going to be having our meeting at the church by our school the white one. The Girl Scouts if from 6:00-7:00. Normally we have our meeting on Sunday but sence we had our St Patrick’s day party yesterday we had to do a makeup today. We also have to do 20 hours of Girl Scouts working on our bronze award which is a really great badge to get for Girl Scouts. Today after school i went to the dentist because i needed to do a mold for my retainer. That was not fun also because i had to do it 2 times because the dentist didn't shake the clay enough for it to make the shape of my mouth.

March 17, 2019

Today is St Patrick’s day. My Mom told me that the traditional meal for St Patrick’s day is Corned beef and cabbage. When i went to see my Mimi they had cooked that for lunch, my Mom said it smelled GROSS but i didn’t NOTICE. I don’t think my Mimi liked it she only ate a little potato and all her DESSERT which was pumpkin pie. Then i went to the grocery store with my Mom. Also I went to the St patrick's day party for Girl Scouts and we played a bunch of games and had cupcakes and had BLAST.

March 16, 2019

Today my aunt cut my hair to my shoulders. Also Adrianna also got hers done on the same day. Also i had my Great gram who is 99 came over with my aunt and grandmother. Also my Mom’s friend Diane came over to get some Girl Scout cookies for her friend Louise which works at my Mom’s work.

March 15, 2019

Today i have to go to the library across the street from my school, i got 2 books one picture book and one chapter book. Also after school i have swimming again like yesterday 5:45-6:00 at swimtime in Scarborough i also still do swim team prep like the other day to also. I also go get food after swimming also for dinner.

March 14, 2019

Today after school i went to cooking class with my friend Lilia and we made pies because it was pi day and we cooked one hand pie which was peach and one real pie which was chocolate cream. Also i went to swimming after that and me and my mom got a sandwich because didn’t want to eat just pie for dinner. Also i went to swimming from 5:45-6:00. It was very fun because that we got to do free swim at the end of cl;ass and i played with my friends that were in my class for swimming. Also we ha fto use the little end of the pool because the little kids were useing the part of the pool and we had to squish in the tiny part of the pool. Which the little kid class only had 3 kids and we 7 kids in our class why didn't we switch for more space.

March 13, 2019

Today i am going to Girl Scouts and i will be helping the daisies which is the younger kids that you get a badge if you go to 3 meeting that they do. I also have to not go to swimming because i have to go to Girl Scouts at the same time. I think that the best part of helping the daisies is you get to see what they are working on for badges that they might need to learn different things then the juniors do which is what I am in Girl Scouts right now next year I will be in 6th grade so I swill move up a level of Girl Scouts. Also i like to get to now them and that they have a different way of doing there activities. I think that it is very working working with daisies.

I also wrote this poem:

A poem about BLUE:

Blue is the color of the best popsicle flavor.

The color blue is up high above us -

that we can’t reach.

Which comes to us in a flow at the beach.

The thing above of us the sky is a beautiful -

dark blue at night.

A kind of thing that flies a bird that is a robin -

eggs are the color blue that seem like a flew.

The color of what we live on which is called -

the earth is also the color blue i can’t believe that this is true.

March 12, 2019

Today i went to school and we did art and we worked our new project and also we had a fun out at recess playing hide and seek with my friends. I also wrote this story:

One chilly day I walked into Burns school and I checked in. After that I walked around for a minute around the third grade area. All of a sudden I heard the front door of the school slam shut . Then I heard a click click noise that sounded like the door was being locked. I new then I was in trouble, because if you lock the door from one side it locks on the other side. Then I knew I was in more trouble because they lock all the doors not just the front door all the door to get outside. Then I thought no one is in this school so I thought I can do whatever I want to do. So first I decided to go to the library so I went there and I went to the back and looked thru the I spy books.Next I went to the dork diaries section. Next I went to the corner and went to the back door which goes in to the computer lab.Then I went to the computer cart and pulled out a computer so I could play some games. After an hour of game time I felt hungry so I went the dining room which is the lunch room I made some chicken nuggets and when I was making cupcakes with mixer the dry ingredients went flying. After that I had to go to the janitor's closet to get a broom and sweeper to clean up the mess. Next when the batter was ready I put them on a pan and put them in the confectioners oven and put the cakes on 350 degrees and put them in for 11-14 minutes and then I felt that I had to go to the bathroom really but I didn't want to leave the food in the oven so I thought about where was the closest bathroom. I thought “ o ya there's a bathroom in the janitors and there was a janitor's closet in the dining room so I went to the bathroom and when I came out the bathroom the oven was smoking then I knew I had burned the cupcakes so I took them out an thru then away the cupcakes.

March 11, 2019

After school i went to the Biddeford city theater and me and my girl Scout troop got a tour of the areas behind the stage where only the actors aloud to go. There was a pro room and a costume room where they have costumes from the 1800s. The theater can seat up to 500 people if the whole theater is full.

March 10, 2019

Today me and my Dad built a piece of furniture that was a organizer for our winter and summer clothing. Then me and my Mom went to church that was in Old Orchard Beach,Maine. Also i organized my recipes from cooking class. That I had to put in a binder that i had to whole ounch them so they would go in the binder on the circles in the middle of the binder.

March 9, 2019

Today was the baby shower and i saw my cousin open gifts and we played games and nibbled on the food that was in the kitchen and we go to walk around by the beach and look at the view of the water. There also bedrooms in the place where the baby shower was. Also that there was kitchen in the place where the baby shower was and also there was a bathroom and a deck and there were 5 doors that go inside the building the building has 4 doors on the inside that go to different doors.

March 8, 2019

Today after school i went to swimming at swim time at 5:45-6:30 and the class is called swim team prep which means it is a prep class for a swim time that you swim on when you are older. This is most advanced class that they have a that swim place that is for the whole place even the adults.

March 7, 2019

Today after school I did my last cooking class with Lauren and Adrianna and the theme for the class was a breakfast theme. So we made all breakfast things at the class it was super fun day and we got to tell our parents what we made a we get first serve because we made the food. We made home fries,frittatas,coffee cake,french toast at our class. We also got to taste them and we get to taste what ever we want.

March 6, 2019

I am looking forward to going to Seacoast Snow Park tomorrow. I went with my Mom and Dad 2 weeks ago sometimes we linked our tubes together. We went a total of 11 times in our the 2 hour time frame, we had a great time during our trip.

March 4, 2019

Monday was a snow day for everyone it worked out for me that we has a snow day because i still had my cold because that worked great for me to not have to absent for school.

Just for fun her are some of my favorite things:

  • Baking/cooking
  • Sewing
  • Ninja
  • Kisses from my dog
  • Disney
  • My friends and family
  • I-Pad
  • My bus driver Michelle
  • Swimming
  • My awesome teachers at C.k Burns school
  • Girl Scouts
  • Get Air/Urban Air/Spare time
  • Fun town/Splash town

March 3, 2019

I sleep in this morning because of my cold, my cold has keep on going more worst so i could not go visit ,my Mimi and Gram Gram who is 99 and does not need a walker or cane. I also missed my Girl Scouts meeting. The Girl Scouts went to the Ecolgy school. The badge we were working on at that meeting was the Animal Habitat

March 2, 2019 Day 2 i am still going strong,

I woke up and i had a really bad cold today i really needed some rest so I watched some TV the whole day long and also i coughed and sneezed. I was up for going to Target to get my cousin Cheryl some gifts for her baby shower that is on Saturday, March 8th 2019. She is having a boy!!! We found some onesies with THE INCREDIBLE's 2 characters on them. We even found some with Dr Seuss on them, we will see her open them on Saturday March 8th.

March 1, 2019 This is my first entry,

Q: Why is Peter Pan always flying?

A: He neverlands.

Q: Why did the old man fall in the well?

A: Because he couldn’t see so well.

Q: What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?

A: A carrot.

Q: What do you get when you cross a snake with a tasty dessert ?

A: A python.

Q: What do you get when 2 giraffes collide.

A: a giraffic jam.

Q: what happened when the frogs car broke down on the Side of the road?

A: it gets toad away.

Q: why couldn’t the sesame seed leave the casino?

A: He was on a roll.

Q: what vegetable do librarians like?

A: quiet peas.

Q: what travels around the world but stays in one corner?

A: A stamp.

Comment's From student's

From Mrs Smith: -Your poetry is beautiful. These are my favorite lines: Blue is the color of the best popcicle flavor. The color blue is up high above us that we can't reach. I'd love to see you devolop this poem it's worth spending more time on