Lauren C

March,31 2019

today is the last day to white to you all so i really want to write a lot I have really loved this writing practice and i really want to do it it all year. i didn't write every day but it was still fun because i listen to music wille i do it its really fun so I would like to white for a hour. i am also writing at 6:00 i woke up early so instead of being board I am going to write its going to be amazing!!! so first we will count how many days i wrote 13 but not counting today but if you have read most of my writing then you know how much writing i have most people think i will win but they are not counting the kids who wrote in a note book but its fine if someone else wins i deserve second at least :) but first you need to congratulate the winner i really like waving trow a window from Dear Even Hansen we looked at it with Mrs.Johnson's class it was really fun i would do it again. but i would have to make friend in there class and if anyone has read all of my writing i really say thanks because when you are on the writing sid of things you don't know. and I have a lot of writing and i want someone to enjoy it. in other news i have ben writing for half an hour isn't that cool. so I am hoping to write for a hour or more. so I was at the international fair yesterday so i could not write. what to hear a story about it. so i was sitting out side and with my friend and some mexicans from the international fair come and are kicking water bottles in the air we where fine with it until smack one fell on me my friends where soooooo surprised it was crazy it hurt so bad my mom thought i had a concussion. that was crazy so anyway the international fair went good it was fun good food but not as many people as we thought. but it was still fun there where really cool prizes for the passports wink wink to all you kids. ( what learn was trying to say is come next year sorry) today i am not doing anything so i am board. so in other news. it was really cool to see the sun come up this morning is pretty cool so i am going to do a word count in a few to congratulate myself . when i do i would like you to congratulate me in the comments that would be amazing if you want to i am just stretching my whritin maybe you could put what was your favorite entry was i would love that so i know you read till the end 7 minutes till an hour 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, ( a little wile later) time for the moment you have all been waiting for drum role 4369 bye 4370( a couple days later) i counted wrong sorry. i will tell you the last amount later.

hi i am writing more because i what to so heres a story......

so its me again emma today i will tell you a little about myself first of all i have two brothers kadin and mike they love spending time together with is good for me then i have a older sister allis she is going to collage next year pretty cool i will get my own room right now i share a room with my two old sister who is obsessed with pink its kind of crazy about how much she loves it. but then there is my parents they love to go out and do stuff sometimes with us then they go out by themselves so we have a lot of babysitters( i am just realize that word is really weird). in other news my friend are maggie, sophia and layla they are the best ever they would do anything for my especially maggie she dose everything for me but i am afraid that we will never see each other because maggie might be moving its horrible but i don't want to think about it so lets talk about my hobbies i love horse back riding its alwsome me and all my friends love it. i also love reading i am not much of a gamer i play one video game star power sophia got me into it its awesome. layla and me have a sleepover tonight its going to be awesome well got to go pack bye

so thats my story your most likely thinking "how did she write this much" well its been a couple hours sense i wrote my first paragraph from when i started my story. t i really wanted to make up for all those weekend i didn't write. so i am going to stop writing because thats a lot to read. or maybe i will write a poem.....


orange red green and blue

and maybe a little purple too

these are the colors i can see

one two three the colors i can see

and other flowers to

pick marigolds

and white daisy

then there is orange irises

plus my favorite maybe yours too

the prettiest yellow sun flowers

in the middle of my roses

thats my rainbow i can see in my field of flowers

that i sit in happy as can be

theses are my favorite flowers because thats me

9,742 words bye

March,28 2019

here is a poem called friends the bad side.

Friends good and bad

one two skip a few now see the bad

friends are bad friend are good

when your together it docent seem to end.

but they can can turn just like that

with fights that seem to never end

thats the bad side and now it ends.

now you've seen the bad lets be good

no fits or fights that might be there to stay

you are friends forever crafts books the best of friend

1,2,now you see how friends can be 3,4 lets be friends together.

this is my poem hope you enjoy and i don't know if i will be whiting this weekend sorry.see you monday maybe I have the international fair at T A and sleepovers. bye.

March 27,2019

there was a otter who sat on a hill he ate a fish head and watched the sun set and thought about how much he missed his river.a little wille ago otter had to move to a new river that wasn't very pretty it was near a road that liked to throw trash out of the car otter did not enjoy this. he missed his old river that had fresh fish and was fun to play in.but this river was dirty with no fresh fish. the sun sets where nice but loud with the road near by. otter had to leave his home because the fish did not swim there anymore for some reason it was very sad when he left he spent days looking for a river until he found here but still its not the same. Otter dose not like human.

March 26,2019

today i will be talking about MEA. The worst test of all time you have to think of answers to the weirdest questions on the planet and its the law that i have to do it. its soooooo annoying. today they had a "pep rally" for the MEAs they put work in to it but it wasn't the best.(my opinion) tomorrow is not going to e fun but we will see i get to do something fun after but its really boring. in other news i found this crazy book thats kinda scary i have never had a book that is scary it was weird. i am really tired today and i am not going to write very much and the computer is being annoying so i am going to leave byeeeeeee.

March 25,2019

hi i don't have much to write about today because i told most of it in class but i do have a apple! I am not kidding i have a apple now i am eating it it is juicy and cold and amazing.hehehe did i make you hungry i know i would be. today i am exited for a video game that i found something exiting about.I love to decorate and

March 21,2019

note from Mrs. Smith: From Mrs. Smith "part of writing is not knowing what you will write about and letting it reveal itself." I know you'd like suggestions but go where your mind takes you.

march 20,2019

My Favorite Things

by: Julie Andrews ( with my twist)

rains drops on roses and chocolate upon strawberries

bright morning sunrise and

warm fuzzy hats

blue bright oceans on hot summer days

these are a few of my favorite things

seashells with colors beyond imagine

so as beautiful magic

silver white winters that melt into springs

these are a few of my favorite things

when the dog bites

when the bee stings

when i am felling sad

i simple remember my favorite things

then i don't feel so bad

books upon books and bright color titles

love at first sights with many titles

like perfect paper

these are a few of my favorite things

this is one of my favorite song and the "favorite things" people have been doing inspired me and i hope i inspire people to. my song is about my favorite things that i changed.when i heard this song for the first time it wasn't the original. but when i did listen to it i really loved it. this morning wille i was trying to think about what was exiting to day or something i was nervous for i thought of that i was looking forward to life i thought of this idea because not many people think of this.( because its not something we think of every morning) i got distracted about breakfast. wille i was on the bus i thought of it. looking at fairfeaild i was remembering about how many hours i spent in that school its kinda crazy.if i did my math right or the calculator i spent 6,570 hours in that school. not counting sick days. But thats a long time for a school its the same with burns my mom dos'ent like burns. because of the learning program. (math) but next year i am going to tams i will be a middle schooler crazy i remember when i was a first grader my teachers. teacher was mrs.colville (might have spelt it wrong.) she was a awesome teacher i would love to see her again. my teacher for second grade was mrs.galasyn she is my sisters teacher this year for 1 grade (multi grade) she was awesome it was her first year so she went all out with decorations. then my third grade teacher was mrs.welch she was soon kind. then there was my fourth grade teacher she wasn't my favorite but she was nice.then theres this year mrs.smith a awesome teacher she is so nice and is the perfect amount of likes to be in line and have fun. this has been a amazing year its awesome to take a moment to think about life and your past even if there are some ruff patches life is life enjoy it.pls write comments i would like to hear your responses. thanks.:)

march 19,2019

i was just wondering ir maybe we could start people suggesting what i write every day so if you are reading this you should come and tell me something to white or you can say it in the comment box thank you. i will write un answerable questions.

1. why spongebob can cry under water?

2. why do we have weird indents on our doors like all doors have the same?

3. why dogs have tails?

march,18 2019

"put your shoes on Emma" mom yelled

"okay i need to get the gum out of my hair and the banana of my shoe."replied Emma

your probably wondering how did you get there with a banana on your shoe and gum in your hair. well its a long story i will start at the beginning.

i woke up earlier than normal like 5:00 ( normally a 6.) so i had a normal morning and a walk i got ready for school but when i got on the bus i realized i forgot my lunch. your most likely thinking " that isn't so bad" but today was picnic day the day that everyone packs a home lunch and goes outside for lunch it happens once a year and everyone loves it. i was on the way to school with no lunch and going to be hated by my friends who had everything planed for us three at the picnic. i got to school and my friends words crushed my like a ant with "why didn't you bring it" or "you even had extra time this morning". the words stuck like fly paper to me all day until it was time i went down to the lunch room and sat in silents while eating a peanut butter sandwich made by the cafeteria lunch lady. when i got back to the classroom after lunch they all talked about how awesome it was my friends didn't talk to me they just stared like starved birds at night. i walked to my desk and put my head down and that's when i felt it a sticky icky wad of gum sitting in my hair then i heard "Emma has gum in her hair" the laughter sprung lose like a group of monkeys. at that moment i was glad they didn't allow cell phones or social media would not be in my hand. the day was over just that stubborn bell that only wants to stay quiet 4,3,2,1 the bell rang the horses where off i was not free until the hour long bus ride was over. my bus is crazy i will give you and example if all the the kids ran away and where replaced with monkeys the bus driver wouldn't even notice. i even asked him he said that is true. i sit in seat 19 been there sense i was 5. i read on the bus but that didn't last long a kid from behind me yelled "Emma gum wad" "Emma gum wad" the chant had started ( when a chant starts it never ever stops on my bus." plus theirs only one Emma so they mean me.) then finally I walk off the bus but that's when i slipped on that banana peel and fell in front of everyone. i walked of the bus and into my house and sat on my bed then my mom yelled

"put your shoes on Emma" mom yelled

"okay i need to get the gum out of my hair and the banana of my shoe."replied Emma

so that's where i am now on my way to a fancy restaurant.

p.s still with gum in my hair and a banana on my shoe.

March 15,2019


I came from a tree

And lost my creativity

On the side of your house as

Quiet as a mouse

Till one day when a painter came to play

He smoothed he splashed

Till i had a perfect hat

Rainbows one by one.

just like that i had a laugh

When i found my creativity was back.

Because i am me. Not a boring old tree.

in class i realized that this would be a better poem then my other entry for march 11 that one kinda gave my inspiration for this poem i have been doing a lot of poems (like two) because i don't have enough time but today i will white what i shall do over the weekend.Saturday mincraft homework food. sunday mincraft home work and food this will most likely never happen. i am just making you have to wait.:)

march 14,2019

day 285,

I hate banana jail it has the worst food. Can you believe when i tell you for dessert its banana pudding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nobody eats it but still all the foods grows. okay sorry got distractedly name is bob i love the color yellow, yellow shirts, and yellow cats. I have always wanted a yellow cat but i have been in jail for a while and i need a yellow cat. and made a yellow house and yellow furniture. lunch got to go

day 286,

a horrible thing happened i woke up with brown spots!!!!!! now my dreams are ruined i will hate yellow for the rest of my life and my dreams will never come true. I cant talk any more i need to cry.

day 287,

so i just found out there are brown cats omg i am going to name him yellow and he will be my best friend and we will love each 5,123,450,987,775 to go till that cat is in my hands. :)

March 11,2019

today I i didn't have any thing to talk about so i wrote a poem my mom said when you are board you are actually creative so heres my poem.


the world is loved

when your board you are to

also creative like Doctor Seuss

so when your at your broadest

color,write,and do whats right

so when you are board think of my poem

to guide creativity

to its best.

this is one of my favorite poems I have ever wrote. bye for now!!!!! good night

March 10,2019

There once was parrot he lived in a tree on one of the prettiest inland in the world. When all of sudden he sees a ship and lots of pirates they jump of the boat and swim to shore. The parrots all listen in on what they are saying on says

"we need a parrot for our captain"

"thats a crazy idea"

"i know its soooooo weird."

they walked farthther pirates moved closer but the parrots moved farther until they reach the other side of the inland they looked for a place to hide but they where trapped the pirates got closer and closer then out of no where a net appears and catches him he yelled for help from his friends but they did not help the just flew away once he got on the boat he met his new master where he was named polly and taught to like crackers.

"wow really pls tell us the story again polly pls"

"yeah pls"

"okay just one more time".........

It was one normal monday around lunch time at school when my friends asked me what i had for lunch so i opened my lunch box to find a note it read I AM MAD AT YOU!!!!!!! I wondered why my mom was mad at me i was worried all day my friends where worried about me i didn't talk to them or answer any questions was walking home i couldn't get my mind off of it when i got home my mom isn't there i remembered she's working on monday!!!!!!!! so i went over the day again so we will start back when i am walking home opened the door thats when it hit me...........

March 6,2019

good morning Lauren here welcome back for today will be talking about my cats Toby and Maya the funny thing about my cats is that they love to sit on boxes books any thing that is laying on my counter. its funny because I have never seen them sit anywhere else other than stuff on the counter. my cats also like to meow at a door then you let them in but a few seconds later they just meow to come back out again. Toby is our boy cat he is a orange tabby he loves cat nip your probably wondering why all cats love cat nip but Toby will do anything for cat nip like anything once he finds the hiding spot he will try to get in. once he found it and opened it it was a hard container to open but it spilled everywhere it was so hard to clean up. Maya she love the laser pointer and will run up doors like in the youtube video. and loves sitting in boxes.

your probably going to be like " is she going to do the same thing again well i am going to say no an pals for a little on pet stuff but heres a story i have written while in home school.

Cats in Space off! The four cats were off to their new planet. They were really exited but Momo missed her family.

“Do you guys want some mice? “ asked Patch.

‘’Sure!” everyone yelled but Momo. While they ate their mice Alice came over to Momo and asked,

“ Why did you not want a mouse? “

Momo responded, “I miss my family “

“Oh “ she said. She didn’t know what else to say.

Alice went over to the other cats and told them that Momo misses her family.

“How about we throw her a party?” yelled Patch with a mouth full of mice.

‘‘Good idea!” said Alice and Pip. But first they needed supplies…

Pip, Alice and Patch tell Momo, that they need to get some food at Catnip Market Place. So the three cats readied their space ship and blasted to Catnip Market Place.

When they landed at Catnip Market Place a drizzly rain began so they all grabbed their umbrellas. Momo was so exited to look around with his friends, but they had to get presents for Momo. What where they going to do? But Alice had an idea.

“Lets have Patch go with Momo and then he can tell us what she wants!” Alice whispered.

“Okay,” whisper back Patch and Pip. Then Patch went with Momo to look around the stores.

“Where are we going?” asks Patch.

“To the pet store!!!” yells Momo.

“ Okay, that sounds fun,” replies Patch.

Meanwhile, Pip and Alice go to the cat bakery and pick out a cake. They find the perfect cake. It’s Momo’s favorite color, purple.

Back at the pet store Momo is looking at the snacks and the toys, she was so exited. She tells Patch the things she likes. Then Patch sends a message to the girls about want Momo wants while Patch and Momo go to the next store.

The girls arrive at the pet store. “Patch says Momo wants a mouse toy “Alice whispers.

“Okay I know where that is,” says Pip. The two girls rush over and grab the toy.

Meanwhile Patch and Momo were waiting at the rocket –stop. [Aka a bus stop] Patch called Pip.

“We are waiting at the rocket-stop. Where are you?” Patch said sternly. He is now annoyed because he lost his umbrella and the rain was now pouring.

“We are trying to cross the road and there is too much traffic. Hopefully, we will be there soon,” replied Pip.

“Okay, bye.” he said trying not to be grouchy.

Pip and Alice were really stuck in traffic. They didn’t think they would get to the rocket-stop in time. Traffic inched forward so then they saw the rocket-stop and the rocket was almost there. Oh no! They zoomed on their bikes between the traffic and got there just in time. All the cats were together again, happy as they returned to their planet.

Once they all got home they hid the presents.

“Momo how about you go and take a walk” Pip suggested

"Okay!” she resounded

Once Momo was gone the cats started to set up the party. Then they remembered that Momo was scared of balloons! They had bought a bunch of balloons! They didn’t want to, but they had to call the Space Dogs. The Space Cats don’t like having to call them because the cats like to take care of themselves. They also find the dogs annoying. The Space Dogs are a company that collects any thing space cats don’t want and save it in their space junkyard.

When the dogs arrived the cats told them to take the balloons so Momo would not be afraid. The dogs were just leaving when Patch shouted that he saw Momo. Patch rushed outside to stall Momo.

“ Hey Momo why are you back so early?” Patch asked

“I finished my walk!” Momo explained

“ Did you see any new stars”? Patch said still stalling.

“No sadly.” Momo answered.

Meanwhile everyone was freaking out because Momo was back already! But Pip had it under control. She rushed the dogs outside to their space ship and quickly finished setting up. They put the cake out, and set up streamers. Then they heard Momo open the door…

“Surprise!” they all shouted as Momo walked in

“Oh thank you this is so exiting. And you remembered I don’t like balloons!”

Those cats partied all night and had the best night ever. Momo was never lonely again, because Momo had amazing friends. Momo loves space, but not as much as she loves her friends.

hope you enjoyed my story its one of my favorite from my cat story thats all I am going to white because that was a lot to read. :)

March 5, 2019

My name is Lauren I have 9 pets. i can never pick a favorite so i will tell you about them . Today's pet is my dog Miles he is the best dog for our family. he's from portico cool right. He is the right size he dose not need to much exercise. he loves to cuddle. he absolutely love water ice and snow he wants every thing to do with water. in the summer we freeze a whole container of water and he will shave it with his teeth.your most likely thinking this is not happening that i have 9 pets but it is true. also I live in a apartment.(not a farm) so you know most things about my dog so here's a short story.

my name is Miles i have 13 family members my humans are Izzy, Lauren, mom, and dad. and my furry friends/feathery/ scaly first are my cat sister and brother are Toby and Maya. I don't know my other family members very well there's fern she's a not very friendly parakeet. then theirs a gerbil named stormy he is vary fast. intermission do you have dog treat flaviored popcorn? no nobody really wow there vary popular in portico. ugh back to the show so right back to my siblings theres my guinea pig friend princess rose and daisy. then last but not least the three hermit crabs della where and beach can you guess where they are from if no go look up dellawhere beach. your back yay so now i am going to leave bye

so you are probably wondering what possibly can i talk about well theres jokes, poems and stories will see how much i will get done...

My dog...

my dog is my best friend

he loves me so much he sits next to me

he's there as we speak

he is a dog he is my favirote

i would never train him for one of those fancy puppy never.

so he is my favorite dog ever!!

here is some alone jokes by

Q: Why do dogs run in circles?

A: Because it's hard to run in squares!

Q: Why did the snowman name his dog "Frost"?

A: Because "Frost" bites!

Q: Which dog breed absolutely LOVES living in the city?

A: A New Yorkie!

your probably thinking wow i wasn't expecting that much writing well i missed 4 days... I was so busy don't be like " wow she barely writes" don't be that person. In other news this is 244 words now 247 i should just stop well got to go or i am just going to keep writing 254 :)

From Mrs. Smith" part of writing is not knowing what you will write about and letting it reveal itself.

from Jaicey: I really like your jokes It was very funny you should write some more

its jonas i really like the poem you wrote and the next time i'm bored ill think of this poem ps

addie-I like how on march,18,19 you used a lot of similes.

From Mrs. Smith - volume....volume...volume - great job