Sophia Q

March 14, 2019

I have always loved arts and crafts , in fact art is my subject. Thar is one thing particular that I enjoy , PAINTING!!!!!

I love painting , their is just something about it that makes me cam and happy. I enjoy painting bake rounds like an sunset on the beach (which I have done be for) and am-brays (which I have also done) an am-bray is 2 colors blended at the middle to make a cool look like the 2 coler. I love how you can do anything you want , that is also one of my favoret parts. When people tell me what to paint it takes out the fun in it. My yiayia ( witch is Greek for grandma ) is an artiest and also loves to paint like me infact she taught me how to paint. i like to paint with her because i like hanging out with her and she has alot paint. My mom and yiayia run a bisnes called Sea air sent and my yiayia is the artiest. They make air freshaners and my yiayia hand draws the labals for each one , they also make sand doller ortements that my yiayia paints on. She ushaly draws lobsters , moose and bares and paints them. They do alot of other things and i even make little animals with moon shells with googaly eyes and drift wood puppy ears or other things for oyher anamals.

March 13, 2019

One could evening , me and my friend ( Abbey , who lives on my street) where playing

outside. It started to get dark so I had to go home. Abbey walked me to my house and

as we where walking we herd something coming from are neighbors bake yard. We

stooped , than a fox ran across the street. We got so scared we ran the rest of the way to my house.

We saw the fox again but at least it was't chasing us. When I got inside I told my parents all about

it. My dad even told me how I can tell if a fox has rabies in case it happens again.

March 12, 2019

Silly , Loud , Crazy.

These are some things that describe Dominic.

Dominic is happy,

loving to all,

and never cries

when he fall's.

Dominic loves treats and toys,

and even when he is sad,

he has a little bight of joy.

Happy , happy caring to all,

this is my brother,

and I don't care how loud,

silly and crazy he can get,

all that maters is he is my brother,

and that is the beast thing yet.

March 11 , 2019

On Saturday my mom, brother, uncle, dad, aunt Neva, her son Benett and I all went snow tubing. It was so much fun. My Auntie Neva and her son Benett were visiting for the weekend, they live in south Carolina. On Sunday we all went to the movies, but this time my uncle didn't come. We saw The Lego Movie 2, it was awesome! We also played in the snow, but just for a little bit because we were having a snow storm and it was cold. On Monday I stayed home because my auntie Neva and her son Benett were going to be leaving on Tuesday morning, and I wanted to spend my time with them be for they left. I had a lot of fun that day we went to a ton of beaches and went to lunch.

March 8 , 2019

Oh spaghetti and meatballs your, delicate sauce , your delicious flavor. you light up my life in any possibly way.

Oh meatballs , oh meatballs , your meat and your spices , your delicious flavor , you brighten my world.

oh spaghetti , oh spaghetti , you come in many shapes , sizes and teachers. your delicate softness and stringy nodal's , i love you.

March 4 , 2019

One could morning on March 4th , which is today the day i was writing this , my dad woke me up and said "today is a snow day ". I was so ex sided ! A little bit later in the day my Dad , Mom , Brother , Dog and I went out side to play in the snow.

My mom started to build an igloo whale me my dad and my brother had a snow ball fight and even throw some at the dog. Eventually my mom brought the dog inside whale my dad , brother and i played outside. A little bight after my mom went inside , my neighbors , Scarlet and Aron came out to play with us. They had a big pile of snow in there back yard that we got to sled done. We got really wet , but it was fun. My mom even brought out rice crispy treats to have out side. I had a lot of fun today and I am kind of sad that my snow day is over , but I am sure I will have another one soon.

Comments from students.:

From Lindsay: You did a great job doing with your story that is above i like the

really nice words that make me want to read more!!!!

From Sami: I played outside too on the snow day. I also built an igloo. What is your dog's name? Does he like the snow?

I absolutely love the poem about sweet and makes me want to meet him! He's lucky to have a big sister like you! From: Ms. Penny

From Mrs. Smith - I love your poem to your brother. You've captured his sounds and style and most importantly your love for him