
March 27, 2019

Tonight was fun and it was kinda hard if you did not know what freedom of the press. I was the first person to speak to all of the judges and I was really happy I said what I said because when I said " freedom of the press means you can post something on the newspaper and you can post something you want to say."

March 25, 2019

On the weekend I had a soccer game and I had a lacrosse meet with my team. My team is black in lacrosse. In the soccer game I did a trick ginga did when he played soccer. I kicked the ball over my head and had it hit my chest and then land on my foot and shoot but I missed cause it is pretty hard. I wish I had the skills like ginga because if you search up Pele using ginga style you will see how good he was. I will always try to be him on the field but be myself out in the world.

March 22, 2019 Yesterday was my birthday and I went to the Harlem Globetrotters and were they funny. Wam on the Globetrotters was standing on the rim. I got a ball and got it signed y a lot of players. I got pictures with a person on the opponents and the guy I got the picture with was 7 feet and 2 inches tall and his name was cager. I got to go on the court before the game because we had magic passes. I got to shoot a basket and I made it from three point line. I wish My birthday was every day but I wouldn't age. I love birthdays. I wish they lasted a long time. That was one of my favorite birthday party's I ever had.

March 20, 2019

Hi my name is Joe and I have a busy schedule today. I am going to my friends birthday party and have to get a pepperoni pizza for him. But first I have to get him a birthday card and then get the pizza. I am leaving in just ten minuets so you can take a seat. I told him I would be at his party before anyone else. It is time to leave I hopped in the car and said bye to my dog. We went to the store to get the birthday card and they were sold out of cards. I could not believe it. Then we went to a different store and they had the exact card that had two googly eyes on it and they were all over the place that half the time I did not know where the eyes were looking. I went back to the car and said pizza place now. We got to the pizza place and I walked i and grabbed our pizza we ordered. Now it was time to get to the party. We drove to his house and I was shocked to see no one was in his driveway. I walked in and checked to see if they were home and they weren't there so I walked back to the car and we drove back home. I looked back at the invitation a couple days later and read it and it said he was having his birthday party at the pizza place we got our pizza at. I thought about how I should always read the invitation.

March 19, 2019

Today I had my interview. I had ms.smith come to my house and I interviewed my step dad. I learned a lot about my step dad he told me about a really old hat that he got from his grandfather. I had bark thins and they were yummy. Even ms.smith had one. A bark thin has nuts and a lot of dark chocolate. I loved the interview and I hope that ms smith does it every year cause it helps me and it helps her learn about my parents.

March 18, 2019

Today I was walking on the sidewalk eating my delicious banana. I was going to go to bed but I had to bring something to the post office. So I went to the post office. I tried to get in the post office and the door is locked! I run home go to bed to get the post office thing off my mind. The next morning I am up early and want to get to the post office as quickly as possible. I get to the post office and there is now a guard there. I tippy toe past the guard and climb the fence. CREAK the fence had made noise I climbed fast and then got over. I got in the post office and there finally was where I could drop my mail in. I hear a buzz in my pocket and it is a text saying " come to the baseball field all of our friends are going to be playing a game." I quickly run home grab my baseball hat, glove and my bat then I get to the baseball field. I meat up with our friends and then after we were done we went out to get some ice cream.

March 17, 2019

Yesterday I had a soccer game are team lost 2 to 4. But we fought. They had a kid who could kick the ball from half field and it would go over the soccer net. I played defense and offense. I wasn't goalie but I still saved a goal because I am used to basketball. In the start it was 1 to 1 then 2 to 2 thats when we lost our communication and then they scored 2 more goals and that is how we lost. I don't care if we win or lose. I mean I want to win but I don't care if we don't. All that matters is that I have fun and work as hard as I can.

March 15, 2019

I am so excited because my family is going to a lot of places in Virginia and West Virginia. My sister and I got a surprise that my mom booked a villa. A villa is a very nice house that my family is going to stay in for five days. We are going to go to the beach in Virginia. My mom also surprised me that are friends are coming with us and they got a villa. I wish I were there now but I have to wait 25 days until we go.

March 14, 2019

5 jokes

1. How do you stop a bull from charging

.Cancel its credit card

2. Whats the best thing around Switzerland

. Nothing but the flag is a big plus

3. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100

. Once. Next time you would be subtracting 10 from 90

4. My brother told me I had to stop acting like a flamingo

. So I had to put my foot down

5. Why did the nurse need a red pen at work

. Because she needed to draw blood

That's all I got today.

March 13, 2019

I am so excited because my birthday is coming up and I am going to the Harlem Globetrotters. My mom got me tickets to go on the court before the basketball game so we can do basketball activities. My birthday is March 21 and I am ready for my birthday now. I love birthdays and I don't like birthdays. I like birthdays because you get presents and you get to have junk food. I don't get junk food at my house so it is a treat for me. I don't like birthdays because then you get older and that means one less year until your life ends. I always wished I was a god and could live forever.

March 12, 2019

How to shoot a basketball

.1 Put one of your hands on the side of the basketball and the other on the top of the basketball.

.2 Then adjust yourself and then can have an accurate shot.

.3 Then you can shoot the ball.

.4 Then you keep on practicing it and you will get good at shooting.

March 11, 2019

Wee-ooo wee-ooo I hear as I am walking home from school. I at the street ahead of me and there were ten cops with dogs wearing blue coats and were very serious. At first I did not know what they were doing but then I saw a car zoom pass them almost hurting one of the cops. I saw all the cops running after the car and the dogs were barking so loud I could probably hear them from a mile away. I was following the cops to see if they caught up to the car and the cops were no where to be seen. I see that it is so dark out and I was wondering how late it really was. I hear plop and see it is now raining I take out my umbrella so I don't get soaked. I walked home and there I was in my bed thinking my dream was real when it was just a dream.

March 7, 2019

Today was the best field trip I have ever been on. I love snow tubing because it is just so fun. I liked going down with my friends on the highest hill you could go on. The funniest thing on that trip was Austin,Colin,Carter and I were going down the hill and me and Austin missed the tubes and we had to run down the mountain. I love how you don't have to walk up the ginormous hill instead you just stand on a conveyor belt and i brings you up. The only bad thing is hat the conveyor belt takes a long time to get to the top of the hill. I love the food at Seacoast fun park especially the cinnamon roll it was so yummy. I hope I get to go there again. Because I had a lot of fun and I think most of fifth grade had fun.

March 6, 2019

Hi im Starbucks I am in a class with so many sixth grade students. I am in fifth grade.My only friend I have is my friend named Bob. It was science and we were doing a class project on making a rocket ship. All of a sudden everyone in the class gets in a huddle. Bob my friend said "look at Mrs.Wilson's hand." I look at her hand and it was green. I said lagoon monster cause her skin was wrinkly and scaly. My classmates went to a different room to discuss what they saw. We called a inspector to see the skin That fell on the floor. He said "hmmmmmmmm""I think it could be a alien the inspector told us.I was desperate to find out what she was. But the bell rang and we had to go home. I went to bed and came back to school the next morning and Mrs.Wilson was gone and nowhere to be found.

March 5, 2019

On Saturday I went to USM for science and engineering. When we walked in there I knew that this was all the creations that the students from USM made. The first creation I went to was a robotic hand that a guy made. I had to use 9 different buttons to move the robotic hand. Then I went over to a vacuum cleaner facing up. It was blowing so hard that if you put a ball above it that it would hang in the air. I also went to a bowling ball that if you put no pressure and just let go it would come back to the same spot it came from. At the end of the day I was so tired because I was walking around for hours. My family hopped in the car and drove home. Then I had a soccer game and we lost 5/0. I came home from that and just laid around and slept.

March 4, 2019

Today was awesome I mean who does not like snow days. I went to the movies and saw how to train your dragon 3. The movie was really good because there was a lot of fire and fighting and that's what I like. Then I went to my soccer practice that started at 5:30. Then I got ready for bed then grabbed my step dad's computer And here I am now sitting in my bed doing my slice of life entry.

March 3, 2019

It was one nice night it was 70 degrees and sunny so I decided to get some ice cream. I got my Oreo ice cream and rode off on my bike. I got home right as the phone rang. I had to do my taxes. I got my computer out and did my taxes.I did that for one hour. And then I looked outside and it was dark outside.I said to myself "how did it get so late all of the sudden." I went to bed and woke up saying "how did it get so early."

March 2, 2019

One day I was in the library with my cool blue shoes walking around.I found a magazine that had some cool shoes on the cover.I really wanted those shoes.I decided I wanted to take a walk when I got home.It was 7 o'clock and was dark but I still wanted to take a walk.I went outside and hear a kaboom.I turn my flashlight to see where the loud noise came from.All I see is a turtle walking across the street saying "HELLO".

Comments from students

From Mrs. Smith - Wow Cole - you have some deep thinking in your last post. Would you like to live forever? Do you believe in life after this one? Lots to think about in that post. Happy Birthday early