Lilly J

March 27, 2019

Hi guys! Sorry that I haven't been posting in a while. I've been a little bit too focused on my baking and stuff like that. Anyway here's my Chocolate cupcakes with maple frosting recipe!


- 1 1/2 cups Flour

-1 1/2 cups granulated sugar

-3/4 cups cocoa powder

-1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

-3/4 teaspoon salt

-2 large eggs

-3/4 cups buttermilk

-3/4 cups warm water

-1/4 cup vegetable oil

-1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Pre heat your oven too 350 degrees

1. In a mixer, mix together the dry ingredients and mix on low speed.

2. In a different bowl, beat the wet ingredients together.

3. Start to mix on low speed and add in the wet into the dry. Mix till all is combined.

4. It might be loose but don't worry about that. It will result in a very moist cake.

5. Spray a cake pan or line a cupcake pan with liners.

6. Spoon in the batter into the cupcake pans or pour in the batter into the cake pan.

7. bake in the oven for 22 minutes.

8. take out of the oven and let cool for about 5-10 minutes


  • 1 stick of soft butter
  • 3 cups of powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of maple extract
  • 3 tablespoons of heavy cream (or milk)

Add in the butter to the mixer and start to mix.

Then add in the powdered sugar one cup at a time

Add in the cream one tablespoon at a time and then add in the maple extract.

Mix until thick and smooth. Add to pastry bag and pipe on cupcake.


March 23, 2019

Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I have been very sick and haven't had the energy to get up off the couch. lol. I have also been baking a lot because.... Well.. I'll get to that at the end. The day that I went home sick I smacked down on the couch grabbed the T.V remote unrolled my sleeping bag and crawled into it. I ended up watching kids baking championship, one of my favorite shows. They were making cool volcano cakes that could really smoke. So cool! The next day I felt absolutely horrible. I woke up at 5:00 in the morning with a temperature of 103 degrees, a sore throat, and a bad stuffy nose. I was a mess. I told my mom that I did not want to go to school and she could tell. She told me to go back to sleep and I did. I woke up again at like 6:45 and went down stairs. My mom was out to get me medicine and my older brother was awake. I climbed back into my sleeping bag waited for my mom to be back. I could not speak at all. Even if I did it would hurt my throat. She came back with the medicine and other things for my throat. I took the meds and went back into my sleeping bag. Later on I went to the clinic to get checked. It turned out that I had strep throat. Oof. I was told to say home the next day and my dad went and got the meds from the pharmacy. I felt much better after everything and all I had to do was rest. Ahhhhhh. On Thursday I had a fun facetime with my classmates. We were doing the volcano's that day and I would miss it if it weren't for them. So now I'm all better and I'm happy to go back to school tomorrow to see my weefie and non-weefie friends. Lol. Anyway about the kids baking championship... As I said in one of my other posts I sent in a application and guess what? They called me back! They said they were interested in me! I was so so so soooooo excited! They told me to keep on sending them more pictures of my desserts and that they might contact me again. And guess what? They called us back again! I am now going to have a skipe interview with one of the people that work there. Its going to be so exciting!!!!!! And its tomorrow!!! YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope that I can make in threw! - LILLY

March 15, 2019

This is pt 3 of my comic:

All of a sudden, watermelon burst threw the door and with super speedy powers, he grabbed cupcake just before he hit the water.

"WHAT HOW DID YOU GET THROUGH ALL MY TRAPS?!?!?!?!?!?" The evil pineapple screamed.

Before any of this happened, watermelon came up with his super duper idea. This was his plan:

He ate lots and lots of sugar so then he would basically be on fire. That way he would have super speed to grab cupcake in time. He then would have his condiment bombs ready with super sticky glue instead of ketchup and mustered inside. That way Mr. Evil Pineapple would be stuck and he couldn't escape. This plan was gonna work.

He placed cupcake on the ground and threw the super sticky bomb and grabbed cupcake again and SPED OUT OF THE LAIR. tik tik tik. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! He looked back at the mess. Evil pineapple was lying down on the ground stuck in the muck. "Looks like your in a sticky situation." Laughed cupcake.


March 14, 2019

This is the pt 2 of my comic:

As the evil pineapple blasted off to his base, watermelon thought of plans to save his friend. He went back to their underground base to think about what to do.

"Maybe I should sneak attack him and get cupcake out of there, but I would have to be SUPER fast." He thought.

Then he got a super amazing, Fantastic, super oober Idea.

"It's perfect!" He said out loud.

He geared up and got into the bacon mobile. MEEP MEEEEP. Off he sped to the evil layer of the pineapple.

Mean while...

"HELP MEH!!!" yelled cupcake.

"YOU"LL NEVER ESCAPE ME! MUH HA HA HAAA!" told the evil pineapple.

Cupcake struggled in the ropes and plus he was in the air hanging over a pot of boiling water.

He finally got out but he started falling into the water.......


March 13, 2019

The adventures of watermelon and cupcake!

One quite sunny day, Watermelon and coopcake were walking in the park.

"Ahhh what a quite sunny day it is today, isn't it cupcake?" Exclaimed watermelon.



"WHAT IS THAT??!?!?!" Screamed cupcake!

Right SMACK dab in the middle of the city was an EVIL PINEAPPLE!!!


Watermelon and cupcake ran into the action! Watermelon turned into Super Melon! Cupcake turned into Mega Cake! They sprang at the pineapple and kicked and punched! The pineapple groaned in pain as he got Mega punched in the stomach by cupcake!

All of a sudden Cupcake got caught by the evil Pineapple!

"NOOOOO NOT CUPCAKE!!!!!!!" Screamed Super melon!

The evil pineapple blasted away to his evil base. (which happened to be a mile away.)

To be continued................

March 12, 2019

Here are some food Jokes!

Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?

Because she was stuffed!

What did the plate say to the other plate?

Dinner is on me!

Why did the student eat his Homework?

Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake!

What is brown, hairy, and wears sunglasses?

A coconut on vacation!

Two pickles fell out of a jar. What did one say to the other?

Just dill with it.

How do you make a lemon drop?

Just let it fall.

Why did the cookie go to the doctors?

Because he felt crummy!

Why was the baby strawberry crying?

Because her parents were in a Jam!

What did the little corn, say to the mama corn?

Wheres pop corn?

How does a cucumber become a pickle?

It goes through a jarring experience

Whats green and can fly?


March 11, 2019

Here is the Weefie Hooman Dictionary (if you don't know what a weefie hooman is just scroll down.)












March 10, 2019

Here is a pusheen the cat Valentines day poem (it might be a little late LOL)

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Meow Meow

Give me some food

I'll try to look cute

To change your mood

But please just get up

And get me some food?

March 9, 2019

Its another dance day today! I'm tired from the sleepover that I had with the Weefie Hoomans ( Jackie and abbey sadly Sophia couldn't make it.) but I still have to go. Today is Hip Hop other then the other types that I do. Such as....... Break dancing, and Jazz. I love hip hop because I'm on a special team. The hip hop team is something that you can't just sign up to do, you have to be invited to the team instead. I was invited 1 year ago and now I feel like a much better dancer then before LOL. When I was little (maybe when I was 4-5 years old) I did ballet instead. That was years ago and now I can't believe that I did that! Anyway I hope that I have more energy for dance later on. Thanks for reading my writing! LILLY WEEFIE OUT

March 8, 2019

Here is the place that I would want to visit when I get older:

I would want to visit Italy. Most of my DNA is from it anyway and my moms side of the family is very Italian. I would want to visit Italy because of THE FOOD. The food from Italy is AMAZING. Even some of my favorite foods come from it. Some Italian foods are... Pasta, lasagna, BREAD as in baguette and bread sticks, PIZZA, and much more. Did you know that Italy has clear waters? That's something that I did not know about until I found a picture showing it. And that's just one more reason to love Italy! (from my prospective) So in the end when I'm older I would love to take a trip to Italy. (with a friend :)

March 7, 2019

Here's my spring/winter poem

down down

here comes the snow

why why

why does it have to be cold

melt melt

I see the flowers

see see

here come the bees

blow blow

here comes the wind

mud mud

up in my face

never mind

can we have a snow day?

March 6, 2019

(This is inspired by Ms. Penny) My favorite things


2. Art/drawing

3. My friends and family

4. My awesome and fun teacher Mrs. Smith


6. Starbucks

7. Decorating cupcakes

8. Planning parties

9. bowling and going to the arcade

10. The weefie hooman society

11. Pusheen the cat

12. Memes and vines

13. Dance

14. Writing


16. Italian food


18. Makeup

19. floofy cats


March 5, 2019

THE WEEFIE HOOMAN STORY!!! (Lilly weefies point of view)

One day it was near the end of the school day. Me and my friends were playing a game. It was the Family Feud game. (WE WERE CRAZY AT THE TIME) One of my friends was saying one of the cards. It said something like wealthy on it and she couldn't pronounce it. She ended up saying weefie instead. Me (being crazy) started to say "WEEFIE HOOMANS WEEFIE HOOMANS." out loud. I then started the WEEFIE HOOMANS CLUB. To be a weefie hooman you must know the song, how to walk like a weefie, how to talk like a weefie, and you must pass the weefie test on kahoot. The WEEFIE HOOMANS CLUB has been going on for a while and I've recruited some new members. Such as: Abbey hooman, Jackie hooman, and Sophia hooman. We have been weefies since October 2018 and WE ARE PROUD TO BE WEEFIE HOOMANS!!!!!!!!!!!

March 4, 2019

I've been in the CK Burns talent show for 2 years and its been really fun. And this year I'm doing it again! I was waiting for a long time because they had to cancel some of the auditions so I had to wait like, 2 WEEKS. It was finally the day and my mom got a text from Sami's mom. It was a video from sami. In the video she said "Lilly! Cora! We made it! Talent show!" I was so happy that Me, Sami, and Cora got in! But it wasn't over yet. I was looking at my moms computer when she got a call from a unknown number. DECLINE. Later I though, maybe just maybe that was Mr. Rex saying I was in the talent show for my Solo act. My mom played the message. Yes! It was Mr. Rex! I got in the talent show! I was so excited and I can't wait for practice to start!

March 3, 2019

I did something very exciting today... I applied to kids baking championship!!! It was very exciting for me considering that I just wrote about Kids baking championship. Lol. Anyway I had to fill out a big application and I even had to add a video about me. Me and my mom found some pictures of me baking and we added those in too. Now all I have to do is wait for a reply from them. It might take weeks or months but in all, I'm very happy and excited!!! I've been working really hard on my baking but now I have to work extra hard. Some kids on the show can remember a recipe in one second when I have to write it down! lol. I really hope that they choose me because I put a lot of heart and soul into my baking. Now all I have to do is wait patiently and see if I get in.

March 2, 2019

One of my favorite things to do is bake. As you can see my background is a cupcake so its pretty obvious. I usually bake in my free time and I always watch cooking/baking shows. The show that I usually watch is Kids Baking Championship. I've always wanted to be on it and it looks really cool to be on. My new years resolution was to bake as much as I could so I could be ready to be on it someday. I also hope to take baking classes as I get older. I've been working really hard and I really hope that someday I can be on Kids Baking Championship!

March 1, 2019

One sunny summer day I was biking down the street. As I was biking I saw an old computer lying on the side of the rode. It looked weird like someone just threw it there or maybe someone worked on it but then gave up. As I biked by it started to twitch. Little sparks started to fly everywhere. As I turn It got up and looked at me with glitchy red eyes and took off after me. Luckily my ice cream cone was there so he told me what is was doing. I was biking down the street as fast as I could. All of a sudden my ice cream cone stops talking I look around and see him on the ground DEAD. I stop just as the EVIL computer gets smashed by a meteor. I look down and say "are you OK?" he looks at me and says "yeah I'm fine" i then ate my ice cream cone friend.

Comments from my class mates:

  • I really liked your jokes what inspired you to write the jokes that you did ? From your Friend Cora.
  • From Jackie-I really liked the Weefie hooman dictionary! "pineapple-peneappol" this is my favorite. Whats your favorite weefie hooman word?
  • From Lindsay: I love the list of your favorite thing and how they are inspired my Ms, Penny. Also i like how you put a poem and i really like the way you made your poem the seasons and i think that is really cool that you did it on 2 seasons not just 1 season.
  • i really liked
  • First, thank you for clarifying what weefie humans is.....I read about this is yours and Jackie's posts and had no clue what this was. Second, glad I inspired you to make a list of your favorite things. It's a good list to have on hand if you're having a bad day. From: Ms. Penny