Austin C

March 23, 2019

Today my AAU team had 2 basketball games. We lost both games and I couldn't play because I have a foot injury. I think my team played very hard. The first game was really close. We only lost by 3 points. It would have been awesome if one of my teammates would have hit a 3 at the end. The second game was against a much better team. We lost by 14 points. Hopefully the team can win our game tomorrow and still make it to the tournament championship.

March 22, 2019

Last night I went to the Harlem Globetrotters with my friend, Cole. Their family got the magic pass, so we got to go on the court before the game and meet some of the Globetrotters. This was really cool!! Cole got a basketball and had a lot of Globetrotters sign it. During the game, there were a couple tricks and some acts. My favorite act was when the first foul happened. One of the Globetrotters went up to the scorer's table and said "that ugly man tried to kill Cheese". All the Globetrotters have nicknames and the Cheese was the one who got fouled.

During the game I had root beer and fried dough, but Cole only got fried dough. At the end of the game, we got the rest of the players to autograph our basketballs.

March 21, 2019

Jokes For Days

1. What do librarians take with the when they go fishing?


2. What did the farmer call the cow that had no milk?

An udder failure!

3. Why are teddey bears never hungry?

Because there always stuffed!

4. What is black, white, green and bumpy?

A pickle with a tuxedo!

5. " Waiter this food tastes kind of funny."

" Then why arent you laughing. "

6. Why did the fisherman put peanut butter into the sea?

To go with the jellyfish!

7. What is a ghosts favorite position in soccer?

Ghoul keeper!

8. Why did the basketball player go to jail?

Because he shot the ball!

9. Where should a 500 pound alein go?

On a diet!

10. Why was the broom late?

It over swept!

March 20, 2019

Even More Jokes

1. What creature is smarter than a talking parrot?

A spelling bee!

2. Why did the banana go to the hospital?

Because he was peeling bad!

3. Why can't you trust atoms?

Because they make up everything!

4. What do you call an old snowman?


5. Which superhero hits the most home runs?


6. How do you talk to giants?

you use big words!

7. What washs up on small beachs?


8. Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?

To make up for his miserable summer!

9. What do you call a seagull that flies over a bay?

A Bagel!

10. What do you call a pile of cats?

A meow-tain!

March 19, 2019

Even More Jokes

1. What did one wall say to the other?

I'll meet you at the corner!

2. Where do cows go for entertainment?

The Moo-vies

3. What do you call a cow with two legs?

Lean meat!

4. Why are hosts bad liars?

Because you can see right through them!

5. What animal needs to wear a wig?

A bald eagle!

6. Why do bees have sticky hair?

Because they use honey combs!

7. What do you call an alligator in a vest?

An investigator!

8. Why did the man run around his bed?

Because he was trying to catch up on his sleep!

9. Why did the math book look sad?

Because he had so many problems!

10. Can a kangoroo jump higher than the Empire State Building?

Of course! The Empire State Building can't even jump!

March 18, 2019

Ugh!!! It was an early morning after a long weekend! I was really tired and did not want to go back to school. Although I was excited to get back to see my friends again. The day went by fast and before I knew it I was back home. I spent most of the afternoon resting. I am excited for tomorrow night as I get to see my teammates again, but I am not happy about not being able to practice. I had a lot of pain in my left foot and knee, so my Dad told me I probably shouldn't play until I start feeling better. I started my exercises again tonight. I have to pick up marbles with my toes and move them from one pile to another. This exercise reminds me of a video I saw of Gordon Hayward doing the same thing after his ankle injury. I hope I get to play again soon!

March 17, 2019

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

I had to wake up earlier today than I would have for school. I had a basketball game at 8:00am at the

"Barn". The team we played was pretty small and we easily won that game. Since we won, we moved onto the championship game in the afternoon. We had to play the team from New York again. This time their whole team showed up. My team played hard, but didn't end up winning. Everyone was really disappointed, but it was only the first tournament. We have many more to play in. In the end, we all had fun together on the court and in the hotel!

March 16, 2019

Today, I went with my family to my basketball tournament in New Hampshire. I had 2 games today. We won 1 game and lost another. Our first game was against a team from New York. The team almost didn't make it to the game. They started playing with only 4 players. The rest of the team showed up with 5 minutes left in the game. In our second game, we played a team from Maine. After the games, we went out to get ice cream. I got Cotton Candy ice cream with marshmallows and gummy bears. It was delicious!! After ice cream we went to our hotel. Most of my team went swimming in the pool. My mom got dinner delivered to the hotel for the whole team. There was garlic bread, cheese pizza, chicken parm, etc. Then after dinner, I hung out with my teammates until coach said it was time for bed.

March 15, 2019

More Jokes.

1. What do you get when you cross a giraffe with a hedgehog?

A twelve-foot toothbrush!

2. How does a cucumber become a pickle?

It goes through a jarring experience!

3. What do you call a fish with no tail?

A one eyed grape!

4. What do you call a fly without wings?

A walk!

5. Where do polar bears keep there money?

A snow bank!

6. What room can no one enter?

A mushroom!

7. What kind of key can never unlock a door?

A monkey!

8. What has four wheels and flies?

A garbage truck!

9. What do you call fake noodles?


10. Why couldnt the pirate learn the alphabet?

Because he was always lost at C!

March 14, 2019

Last summer I learned how to play golf. I took lessons at the Saco Biddeford Country Club. My golf instructor's name was Rick. At my first lesson, Rick showed me how to stand over the ball, how to grip the club, and then how to line up my club with the ball. Once I learned these positions, he taught me how to bring the club back and swing through the ball. The last tip he gave me was to have a model stance at the end of my swing. Rick has been the best instructor I have ever had. He walked through the steps slowly to make sure I understood what to do and he was very patient and calm. This summer, I can't wait to get back on the golf course and play with my Dad and Grandma.

March 13, 2019

My dad and I went to see the new Captain Marvel movie at Cinemagic on Sunday. We were supposed to have a basketball practice but it was cancelled because of the bad weather. So, lucky us, we hit the movies. At first we ordered a small popcorn and small drinks but the lady taking our order kept asking us if we wanted bigger sizes. So we ended up with a large popcorn and I had a HUGE fruit punch. Big mistake, because I drank it all! And then had to go to the bathroom for the last 30 minutes of the movie. I squirmed in my chair as much as I could until I just had to run to the bathroom. I think I only missed a minute or two of the movie, and watched the very end from the doorway. Don't get the large drink!

March 12, 2019

Journal entry # 13

The number 13 is also my basketball number. We have our first basketball tournament this weekend in New Hampshire. Last week, our coach gave us our new uniforms. They are really nice! The uniforms are blue and white, with bright green numbers and our logo. I am excited to play in all the tournaments this year. We get to stay in hotels in New Hampshire and one in New York. There are 8 other players on my team and they live in different towns. I think we will have a great season!

March 11, 2019

10 jokes for kids

1. Whats loud, fast and crunchy?

A rocket chip!

2. Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?

Because he was stuffed!

3. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?

Frost bite!

4. Why did the student eat his homework?

Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake!

5. Why didn't the dinosaur want to wear deodorant?

He didn't want to be ex-stink.

6. Knock - Knock

Who's there?


None who?

None your business.

7. Knock - Knock

Who's there?


Dwayne who?

Dwayne the tub, I am dwowning!

8. Why won't the elephant use the computer?

Because he is afraid of the mouse.

9. What did one ocean say to the other ocean?

Nothing, they just waved.

10. Why did they quit giving tests at the zoo?

Because it was full of cheetahs.

March 10, 2019

My Top 5 Favorite Places

Las Vegas, Las Angeles, San Diego, Boston and Saco.

March 9, 2019

My Top 5 Favorite Sports

Basketball, Golf, Soccer, Football and Lacrosse.

March 8, 2019

My Top 5 Favorite Drinks

Powerade, Gatorade, Propel, Root Beer and Chocolate Milk.

March 7,2019

My Top 5 Favorite Foods

Chicken, Cake, Cinnamon Rolls, Donuts and Doritos.

March 6, 2019

My Top 5 Favorite Movies

Avengers Infinity War, Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom, Mission Impossible, Bourne Identity and Spiderman Into The Spider Verse.

March 5, 2019

I decided what I wanted to buy with my birthday money! A bicycle! I've actually never had one since I've always rode my scooter. My parents took me out to a few stores to look at different types of bicycles, but I just couldn't find one that fit me right. My dad always likes to read the reviews online so he was happy to go home, and have me shop for one on the computer. On the way home, we stopped at Dairy Queen for an ice cream ... I couldn't believe how fast my dad ate his! I was still eating mine when I ran in the house and jumped on the computer. As I was scrolling through all the different bikes on the internet, I didn't notice that my ice cream was dripping all over the keyboard! When my mom came in the room there was smoke everywhere ... and I didn't even notice it above my head! Now I'm buying a new keyboard instead.

March 4, 2019

The last two things my Mom told me before I left for school this morning were to make sure I returned my overdue books to the library, and to only wear my new blue shoes inside the school. Well one out of two isn't bad! Right after school, I made sure I dropped off my books to the librarian so they didn't charge us for the books or take away my library card. But, I didn't change into my boots for the walk from school to Dyer Library. It was hot, I was in a hurry, it wasn't messy outside ... so I thought I could get to the library without getting my shoes wet. Yup, I was wrong! Wet, yes ... messy, no. The good news is my Mom had to work late so I had time to go home and make sure I got my shoes cleaned up before anyone knew any different. I even looked at them under a microscope and with my trusty flashlight. Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone!

March 3, 2019

On the morning of my 10th birthday I woke up before the sun. I was already excited for two of my favorite things ... pepperoni pizza and the birthday card I get from my Grandparents. I just couldn't stay in bed any longer. As soon as I saw my Grandma and Grandpa pull up the street in their white truck I ran out to the driveway to give them hugs. I wanted to ask for my card right away but I didn't. Then I heard Grandpa say "you're going to love this one Austin!" And he held out the card for me. As soon as I had the card in my hands I ran to my favorite spot in the shade, under the tree in our backyard. I sat by myself and laughed out loud as I read the card and wondered what I could buy with the money they gave me. Once everyone arrived for my party, my Dad went to pick up pizza. My mouth watered when he came home with a whole stack of pizza, and I ran inside to get the first piece.

March 2, 2019

One sunny morning I woke up early to see if my baseball glove had arrived yet. I had been waiting for days! And it did say it was going to arrive today so I hopped out of bed and ran out of the house. I took a good look around, and it was pretty quiet. No one was out except this guy eating a banana but I just ignored that and hopped down to my mailbox. Bummer ... it was empty! I thought someone stole my glove but there had never been any thieves in this neighborhood. So I go to check the post office. "Do Duh Do" I say in my head. But suddenly ... CRASH!!! I SLIP ON THAT GUY'S BANANA PEEL!!! But I just put that out of the way for now. And once I reach the post office I ask the front desk "hey I was supposed to get a baseball glove today and I didn't get it" and he responds "oh sorry we got the date wrong its coming tomorrow." And then I sigh from relief with having to deal with another crazy day.

March 1, 2019

One rainy day, early in the morning, I was going down to the park with my dog to get him out for a walk. Once we get there I go to grab my umbrella but suddenly my dog snatches it out of my hand ... and RUNS!!! So I chase after him but as soon as I turn my head this RANDOM GUY STEALS MY CAR!!! So this day hasn't started well at all. So I finally catch my dog and get my umbrella. Then with no time to lose I FaceTime my good buddy Colin and tell him the whole story. So he races over with his car and we track my car on GPS. Then Colin says. "So you get your car stolen and the first person you call is ME?! Not like the cops or your Mom?" And I respond. "Yep" with a gleaming smile. Colin pauses and says, in an encouraging voice, "then lets get this guy!"

Comments from other students:

  • Hey Austin I thought your jokes were the best good job :). From Jacey D

From Mrs. Smith - I am glad you decided to write a slice from real life - this shows a variety of writing. Thanks for the details about your uniform. I will look forward to reading more entries (and a few jokes)