
My curse poem
my sister Olivia May you be evil, mean, horrible, feirce, May you not tell when I do something wrong (even little things), May your feelings be rotten, gross, angry, May you not come to me when you are done BEING EVIL look all of the havoc you have caused and come running to me, May you always live as evil evil Olivia.(have I gone too far?)( yes I have this was only a joke not trying to make my sister upset)My couplet poem about cars
I have a passion for carseven when it goes too far
cars drive very fasteven cars from the past
listen to there engines roaringeven when I am snoring
Tesla are great to drivegoing a fast forty-five
I love the color of themeven when the paint is a gem
I love there speedsome cars are such a need!

Recipe to Clubsmith Brownies20 Students4 Teachers2 Cups of fun3 Subjects20 Mathematician2 Readers20 Geniuses20 Cups of 5th grade20 Cups of Responsibility Directions Mix together Bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minEnjoy a nice taste of Clubsmith!!!

Prayer poemSend me lots and lots of money May the rest of my life be sunny
Maybe make a car company And have many friends to accompany
But now I am up to the task But to be rich is all I ask
Quatrain poemWhen I am on vacation I love swimming When I am Home I love watching tv When I am at school I love LearningBut when I am not doing these I am Bored very Boredvery Bored very Bored
List poem to a good life1 Annoying Sister 2 Parents 3 Teachers More wacations than I can countWhen you have These you then have a good life