Cora B

March 31, 2019

last day of the writing challenge, it was fun.

This weekend was really fun, me and my friend Julia had a sleepover Friday night after the dance. Then on Saturday morning me and Julia when to to gymnastics practice at 8 am that was fun to! After practice Julia’s mom picked us up and we when to her house a and we ate lunch and played some fun games. Me and Julia really want to have a nether sleepover so we asked are parents and they said……… YES we were really excited! Now it is Sunday morning I just woke up and my friend is still sleeping, it has been really fun!

March 28, 2019

As some of you may no I ordered the James Charles palette and guess what it finally came in. I am so excited that I get to create a bunch of different creative makeup looks on myself and my friends. today I created a rainbow cut crease with the James Charles palette it was pretty cool. There are a bunch of different colors in the James Charles palette all the colors are very pigmented so you can create very bold looks . I am really excited to create more cool makeup looks!

March 27, 2019


Love is real

love is live

Love can take you by surprise

Love can crash

love can fly

love can make you happy

and love can make you sad

Love is a thing that will bring us all together

and make us sing!

March 26, 2019

“Ummmm what am I going to do” I say nervously, my teacher gave me the homework assignment and I do not know where it is because I lost it. I hope my teacher Mrs. Lynn is not mad. I quietly walk into the classroom and go up to Mrs. Lynn which is my teacher and say “ I didn’t bring my homework In today well (I think for a second) Because my dog ate it” I say, “well why don’t you just wait till your dog goes to the bathroom again” Mrs. Lynn says as her glasses nearly fall off her face. I start to laugh as she stares at me acting serious. Then I stopped laughing, I figuring that I would be in trouble ! “Well I tried ” I say as my teacher started to giggle to!!! : )

March 25, 2019

Today after chorus I went to the mall with my friend Maggie. I went to Qdoba to get a burrito bowl with rice, beans, chicken, salsa, sour cream and cheese. I also went to the Apple store to get my Meme’s phone fixed and then my friend Maggie and I went to the soft pretzel store. They were so good!

On our way out we looked at Sephora which is a makeup store. They had a bunch of cool products in there. They have any type of makeup you can think of. My favorite brand for foundation and concealer would be Tarte. They are a really cool brand with all kinds of products. I really want to get their tarte shape tape concealer. Concealer is something you use to hide something on your face.

March 24, 2019

Yesterday I had gymnastics practice. And on beam me and my teammates were working on back walkovers, my friend Ocee made her back walkover for the first time on the high beam! Everyone was so excited.

Me, Julia, Kendall and Ocee, on the high beam made 46 back walkovers are coaches were impressed that we did that many. We had a lot of fun at practice!

March 21, 2019

Today the best thing happened. So for the past 5 or so mouths I have been want the James Charles eyeshadow makeup palette but it has been sold out, and today it went back in stock and I ordered it before it got sold out again. I am so excited I have been wanting it for a while ! ! ! James Charles is a true inspiration for me. As some of you may know when I grow up I want to be a makeup artist it is my true Dream of mine, and James Charles has inspired me to do my best in makeup and challenge myself to do hard makeup looks he has really help me get good at makeup! : )

March 20, 2019

Today I have talent show practice it is really fun to be in the talent show. Me Lilly and Sami are singing sweet Caroline , and me and some of my friends are dancing to the cupid shuffle! There are lots of fun acts to watch, it starts at 4 and go till 6. It is at school and in the gym! It is very fun to do fun acts with your friends.I hope that talent show practice goes well and is fun! : )

March 19, 2019

I had a great gymnastics practice today , as some of you may no my competition season is over so there is no more comps for this year. I am trying to get all my skills I need so I can move up to level 5 or 6 , and one of the skills I need is a round off back handspring back tuck and guess what today I made that skill I was so happy that I made it . Two of my friend Julia and Kendall both made it also all of use were so excited! Me Julia and Kendall also made are aerials witch is a no handed cartwheel it was pretty cool me and all of my teammates had a great practice. : )

March 18, 2019

Today I am going to teach you how to make homemade mac. and cheese! Step one get on pound of mac., step two get two packaged of sliced cheddar cheese, step three get one package of shredded mozzarella, step four season to taste with Parmesan cheese, garlic salt, and pepper to COOKED mac. Step five get ¼ - ½ cup of chopped onion and add it to the mix. Now get ½ - ¾ of a cup of melted butter and 2 cans of evaporated milk.

Now mix everything together except the milk and the cheese. You will need a 13x9 baking pan, on the bottom put one layer of cheese and then a layer of the mac. Mixture continue to do that until the pan is full then sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top and then put in the evaporated milk until the milk comes up halfway in the pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes and top is golden brown.

March 16, 2019

Right now I am heading to my state championship meet. I am really nervous, but I am excited to. I hope I do well ! (Update) I did really well, I got first in Vault, third in Bars, fourth on Floor and then I got third overall ! My team did really good to, we got third place as a team it was a lot of fun. I am kind of sad though because this was are last meet of the season so now we will have no more competitions for this season.

March 14, 2019

I am so nervous for tomorrow, because tomorrow is my Mock Meet… A Mock Meet is the last day before a gymnastics competition and you show everyone in the gym your routine on every event. Sometimes the coaches will score your routine but sometimes they won’t . you have to wear a special red leotard that has silver sequins on it and is very pretty, everyone HAS to wear it ! It is exciting to because it is the last practice before the big Meet. I hope I do really well in my Meet, Wish me luck! : )

March 13, 2019

I am so excited for this weekend my Uncle Auntie Meme and 2 of my Cousins are coming to my house and they are going to come and watch my states gymnastics meet, I am so happy ! My Meme is coming Friday afternoon, and my Uncle Auntie and 2 of my Cousins (Ava and Chloe) are coming Friday night. My meet is on Saturday at noon in Augusta! I am so happy that I will get to spend lots of time with my family ! : )

March 12, 2019

Today I had gymnastics practice we did all the events like Bars, Beam, Floor, and Vault! My coaches are very nice and helpful they help make my routines a lot better. I was excited that we did not have conditioning because we got to have more time on the events. Me and All my teammates have been working really hard at practice because this weekend we have states which is the last meet of the entire season ! : )

March 11, 2019

I am going to teach you how to do a sunset cut crease. The first step is to put a yellow eyeshadow color in your inner crease. The next step is to grab an orange eyeshadow color and put it in the middle of your crease. Step three grab a red eyeshadow color and put it in the outside of your crease. Now grab a concealer and a flat top brush and carve your eyeshadow look! And there you have that’s how you do a sunset cut crease eyeshadow look! : )

March 10, 2019

When I grow up I want to be a famous makeup artist. I really enjoy doing makeup on myself and other people. Makeup is an art that you get to do on people’s faces. You get to create very artistic looks or create very simple looks. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to be artistic and allows me to make other people more confident in themselves. That is why I want to be a makeup artist! : )

March 9, 2019

Today I had a gymnastics meet, It was very fun and exciting! It was one of my best meets of the season. I got second place on Floor and Bars, I got third place on Beam, and I got first place on Vault and over all I got second place! All of my teammate did very good to . my team got first place and everyone was SOOOOO excited, Everyone had a lot of fun ! : )

See some pictures at Dudziak's Gymnastics: Gymnastics | Biddeford

March 7, 2019

I went snow tubing today and it was fun. We went on a bunch of different trails. I really liked hanging out with all my friends. My favorite part was when someone fell but they were OK and all were laughing. The weather was cold at first but then I actually got really hot with all my layers / gear on. The hot chocolate at the mountain was very delicious! It was cool that we got to hang out with people that were not in our class because we do not usually get to see them. It is cool that the school lets us go on these field trips because they are very fun!

March 6, 2019

This writing peace is inspired by Miss Penny thanks you very much for inspiring me with your writing .

I am going to tell you a few of my favorite things! : )



3. Family

4. Gymnastics

5. Candy

6. Art

7. Sleepovers

8. Dancing

9. Meets

10. Friends

March 5, 2019

oh my gosh I think as I remember, today is my friends birthday !I quickly grab a peace of paper and a couple of markers. I quickly write some things that you usually write in a card! I finally finish the card, I was so hungry it was lunch time so I decided to go pick up a pepperoni pizza I put my coat on and started walking to the pizza place while I was walking I was not paying attention so of course I ran into a big fat tree! but I was fine so I continued to walk to pick up my pizza. Today has been a long day!

March 2, 2019

“No not that one” I say as I put the dress back on the hanger. Today was a very special day today we are trying on dresses for my aunt and uncles wedding! “Cora” I hear my aunt say “yes” I say back “I have something for you’’ I see her handing me a white envelope that is signed Cora I take it from her hand and slow read what was inside it said “will you… throw my petals, wear a pretty dress , smile big in all the pictures, dance with me at the reception, be are flower girl ? “YES!” I say with a big smile as I give her a big hug! I was so excited.

I pulled another dress from the hanger and slipped it right on it fit perfect I came out of the dressing room and showed my mom and my aunt the dress. we all loved it we all hugged and said “I think this is the dress!”

March 1, 2019


Go go go

till you can’t find anything

go go go till you can’t find anything

you can do anything you put your mind to yeah

you can do anything that you put your mind to

oh it might be hard ard oh

but at least you won’t get Scarred

don’t let anyone

stand in your way

don’t let anyone even get a say

you do you

you can do anything

go go go

till you can’t find anything

Oh go go go

till you can’t find anything

I wrote this song to show that you can do anything you put your mind to and to send a good message to everyone that reads my song! I was actually working on this song for a while and this writing challenge made me want to start writing this song again ! I mite keep working on it in the future.

comments from students:

From Lilly J.- I love your gymnastics entry Cora! But I was wondering, whats your favorite part and whats your least favorite part? I hope you and your team mates do good on your meet!

From Lindsay: I love the way you made a list of your favorite things that you like to do Cora. I like how you have a mix of different things that you like not like all the same kinds of things that you are intrested in.

Cora - I loved the family visit yesterday - I hope you write about the artifact your mother shared with you. You could even write it from a different perspective. We will talk more about that in class. Like the perspective of the artifact or one of it's owners.