Jonas H.

2. march 6 2019 part two (This is a continuation of a story I began but soon you will see it finished on my student page.)

At that time i realized she didn’t know i was going to look here she put it there so anyone who finds it will get scared and put it back where it was but I wasn’t going to trick me. I tried to find all of her journals so I could find the real one but it was harder than i thought although i had to do it during class so it took almost the whole day because i had to do it in between classes

March 5, 2019

slice of life fiction idea #8

  1. i was talking with my friends down the hall when i saw something strange. My teacher was what it looked liked. She was looking for something but i don't quite know what. i walked away from my friends and up to the teacher until i realized something she didn't have her journal she always has her journal no matter what. so i set myself on a mission i'm going to find her journal!!!. i was looking in the classroom when i saw something the corner of a book it was her journal or so i thought i walked over and saw it said "keep out" in big bold letters i picked it up and it was blank every single page was blank i was flipping through the book when i saw one page in the way back it said "i knew you'd look in this" i was so confused how could she know i kept reading "this is my decoy i have at least 10 of them i .... before i could finish reading i put the book down i looked for another book and i did i flipped through the other one and it was blank like the other one until the very end of the it witch said “i knew you’d look in this”.

comments from classmates: I really liked your writing peace, I was wondering are you going to make a part 2 ? From Cora.

from Brennan: I relly like your fiction story