Colin P

March 19, 2019

"ugh this is so stoopid I don't want to go to school today!" I screamed out of my head

"oh no I forgot my exam are you kidding me! I need a good excuse."

During the bus ride I thought of terrible excuse like I for got to do my home work, or I didn't have the time, maybe my dog ate my homework. Buuuuut no I came up with big old "oooooh no I forgot."

Later at school. "Okay class homelearning please" Miss Look screeched

It was my turn So I hope the plan works here we go. "Miss look I...uh...oooooh. no. I. forgot homelearning" I whispered under my voice

I was so devastated and I could fell myself sweating and she said


I could fell myself jumping i n the air but I just fist bump myself and just walked off and forgot about it the rest of the day.

March 15, 2019

More jokes

I just stepped on a corn-flake and now i'm a cereal killer.

the first french Fri was not created in France it was made in Greece.

They tell me to get in shape. round is a shape.

don't write with a broken pencil because its point less.

Cinderella fits perfectly then how did it come off.

March 13, 2019

"Wow look at this dude" I screamed

"h...he dropped his ice cream and now hes eating it on the sidewalk and left the cone none touched!" Laughed out Austin

"Wait! Where did the computer go? Hey Austin look around to see if we can find anything SUSPICIOUS!"

Later that day "hey I found the guy I spotted him. I will grab my bicycle and Attack HIM!"

I was trying to get out of the bicycle chain but it was to strong! so I ran off on foot I sweat I try'ed and I sprint! So I leaped in the air "NOOOOOOO!" yelled the stranger

And I realize the computer was in Austins hands the whole time.

5 cow joke

what do you call a cow... cow

what do you call a cow with no legs... ground beef

what do you call a cow in a tornado... milk shake

what do you call a cow that's a king... burger king

" my grandpa was a knight his name was sir loin"

5 knock knock jokes

knock knock. who's there? boo. boo who? there's no need to cry its just a joke.

Knock knock. who's there? cows go. cows go who? no not who cows go moo

Knock knock. who's there? Alien. Alien who? how much aliens do you know

Knock knock. who's there? bed. bed who? bed you cant guess who i am

Knock knock. who's there? butter. butter who? butter not tell you!

March 5, 2019

On a early hot baseball game it was Tim-othys turn to bat he lost his glove in the dirt and a banana flew over the net for the baseball field. And hit the glove and the banana got stuck in the glove. Later that day the clean up crew came and some guy sent it in the post office and the post office sent it to Tim-othys Giant mansion and Tim-othy pick up the box and found a banana? Tim-othy screamed "BRUH". And the cleaning crew kept the glove.

comments from students.

From Brennen : I relly like your jokes all 10 of them are super funny you should make more my favrote is the is the 1st knock knock joke.

From Your Friend Austin : Where did you get the jokes from and what inspired you because I think they are hilarious. :)

From your friend Cole: I really like how you put a lot of action into your story.Like the sentence I will grab my bicycle and and attack him.

from jonas your jokes yes all ten where really good some of them i have heard befor but are still funny my faverote one is the second knock knock joke / 7th joke

I liked your short story and loved how you capitalized words and put words in bold for emphasis like NOOO! from MS. PENNY