Celebration of Learning

We will have another celebration of learning before the holiday break. We will enjoy a morning of reading our essays and reflect upon our reading, math, science and social studies learnings in 2018. All are welcome to send in healthy snacks as we say goodbye to a great 2018 and welcome in a new year.

Today (October 26, 2018) We had an amazing day of fun and celebration of learning. After finishing our narrative writing unit, we had a publishing party with student readers who bravely shared their stories with the group. All this was done while sipping hot cocoa (just like a book reading at a book store). Also please note the chocolate mustache on a student or two.

Prior to that, in the morning, we applied our knowledge of division to making applesauce after celebrating our completion of Module One and our assessments in our math studies.

We read further in our read aloud, Loser by Jerry Spinelli. We are on the edge of our seat to find out what happens to Zinkoff in 5th grade.

Additionally our readers are almost finished with their second book with their reading book club. They are learning to compare and contrast elements of stories.

In addition to all of that.....today all students learned what is involved in teamwork and success. Hint: Productive Struggle. I was amazed by how well the class problem solved (some of our peelers and corers had malfunction issues). The students came together to work on how to get the apples peeled so we could make the applesauce. Learning to work in a group is one of the most important skills a student can learn. They will be working in groups their entire lives, in school, work and in families.

We will be serving up samples of our applesauce at school lunch next week but not before we do more math to decide how many and how large the servings can be to serve the most students.

Below you will find some photos of our applesauce making and our incredible readers/writers and listeners (listening being very much part of literacy instruction).

Lastly you will see art inspired by our math exploration in division and the remainder....ENJOY!

At the end of our division lesson in the kitchen (Shout out to all the kitchen staff - the best: Kim, Carol and Kasey we couldn't have done it without your help) , our friend and substitute teacher, Sue Stilphen, found our one remaining apple in the bin. She asked if she could 'borrow' it for a few moments and later came back with this piece of art. As math, cooking and the celebration of writing took place in ClubSmith, one student was inspired to write a poem about the REMAINDER. Here it is Remainder by Raiden Slater

We hope you like it as much as we did when he shared it with the class:

Lonely Priscilla, The Remainder

Raiden Slater

Lonely Priscilla from the bottom of the bin.

Maybe just maybe oh maybe she’d win.

she did, she did, she won it all

freedom, life but friends not at all

lonely Priscilla from the bottom of the bin

no no she did not win.