Ben W

March 18, 2019

The weekend began playing with Cole and Branden.

We played a football game, video games and we had fun at the sleepover.

On Sunday Hayden, my sister boyfriend, came over to spend time with us. We played basketball, watched a movie and played some video games. We ate juicy meaty steak, rice and potatoes. It was so yummy!!!

March 14, 2019

How did the ocean say hi

It waves

Why did the picture go to jail

It got framed

Why is baseball stadium so cold?

Because there was a lot of fans

Why did the bicycle fall over

It was to tired

What time is it when you have to go to the dentist


March 13, 2019

Why didn't the skeleton cross the road

Because he had no guts.

How do you make a tissue dance

Put a little boogie in it

My boss told me to have a good day

So I went home

Today at the bank an old lady ask me to check her balance

So I push her over

I’m so good at sleeping

I can do it with my eyes closed

What do you call a guy with a rubber toe


What did the traffic light say to the car

don’t look I am about to change


i like how you put the line "i saw a dog that my heart stop" it really shows how much you love your dog

March 12, 2019

The day I split my head open

The bell rang and I went out of the classroom, grabbed my coat and ran to the cafeteria.

About 10 to 15 minutes later we lined up to go out to recess.

Jonas and I ran to the circling fire pole where I was the first one to go on the fire pole.

I was spinning and I flung my head back and hit my head on the steps.

I put my hands on my head and my hands were covered in blood.

A teacher came over and took me to the nurse’s office.

She put gauze on my head and blood was all over the gauze.

Meanwhile my grandmother came to pick me up at school to go to the doctors.

We arrived and walked into the office where they said come into the exam room and sit down. The doctor had to cut my hair to put glue on my head to fix my cut.

P.S I was wearing a white shirt and my mom said that please do not get that shirt dirty and I came home and the shirt was covered in blood.


I love the added humor at the end of this painful event (my mom told me not to get this shirt dirty and it ended up covered in blood from Ms. Penny

March 11, 2019

It was a weekend and we were on are way to go look for a new dog.

So about 20 to 30 minutes we arrived at the place…

Then we met the owner and talked for a little bit and finally the thing I was waiting for,

to look at all the dogs.

So there were about 10 dogs I do not remember if there was 1 or 2 boy dogs and there was about 8 or 9 girls.

We were looking for the right dog for are family.

I saw a dog that made my heart stop.

So we were supposed to get the dog a few weeks later but we convinced my parents to get her that day.

We were driving one are way back home and it smelled funny so my mom thought that the dog was about to poop in the car.

So we put a bag under the dog.

15 minutes later we let the dog in our house and my family walked through the door and all we see is Harley was pooping on the floor.

Ben - good writing and I like your description of dinner. Be sure that you aren't changing any more fonts or backgrounds.