Man Made

I am calling this Photo "Summer Project" because this boat here is somebody's summer project that has been and will be for a couple years. The subject is a still life based off of a man made structure or object. I chose to create this specific work because I felt like it fit the man made prompt very well, as it is a boat and tons of labor has gone into and will continue to go into restoring this boat. I used a variety of techniques and methods when creating this work including rule of thirds. While creating this work, I paid close attention to keeping the boat centered up and down by framing it. I wanted my work to look old and vintage and I did that by having no modern objects in the frame. The old boat and the black and white makes this photo look like it could be old or new. To add interest to my composition, I used contrast by having the light tarp in front of the dark trees and the dark trailer over the bright ground. I like the way that the photo is composed and am proud of the range of value I got from it. However I struggled with getting the ground in front to not be blown out. If I create another work like this I may try to dodge and burn the parts that I want to be exposed for longer. My work shows that I learned to create a man made prompted print.