Family Still Life

I am calling this project, "Family Hobbies" because the objects are all things that belonged to my family members and I that were/are our hobbies. The subject is a still life based off my family. I chose to create this specific work to show the hobbies my family is interested in, this photo also shows three generations of the Pandora/McMann family. I used a variety of techniques including, angle down and formal balance. While creating this specific piece I paid close attention to evenly laying out the objects so they don't touch and are balanced. I wanted my work to look vintage and I did that by having old objects in the photo. To add interest to my composition, I used balance and contrast by having the evenly spaced objects be different colors. I like the way the left is colorful and the right is mostly tan and am proud of doing that accidentally. However, I struggled with incorporating an old building into the composition. I wanted to put in an photo of my grandparents house but I didn't have one. If I created another work like this I may try to add that in. My work shows that I learned to make a family still life.