
I am calling this project Boat Barn because it is the Dorsey's boat barn for storing their boat in the winter. The subject is Elias' barn and Elias messing with the boat controls through the front window based off of our assignment to incorporate hand and our concentration. I chose to create this piece because I like the two related, but different images put together to make a collage. I used different techniques when creating this piece including, angle down, extreme perspective, and collaging. While creating this image I paid close attention to making the more interesting image be the one that stands out and is focused on more. I did this by having it be slightly bigger in front and by having it in color with the barn in black and white. I wanted my work to look old and I did this by having weathered old stuff as the subject. I also wanted it to be a collage because that way I could incorporate more texture along with an interesting hand image. To add interest to my composition I used contrast by having one image in black in white with pattern and one image in color that is a more interesting subject. I like the way the images go together while being very different compositions and I am proud of my solution for incorporating my concentration and hand assignment. At first I struggled with incorporating hands in with my concentration. I had two good photos but with one there wasn't enough emphasis on the hands and on the other there wasn't enough emphasis on my concentration. I solved this problem by making this collage type thing with two photos that fit my criteria. I plan on incorporating this type of editing into my concentration in future projects along with old buildings. In future assignment I may try layering the images in different ways. My image shows that I learned how to incorporate hands and my concentration.