3D Design


During this semester, the improvement in my art skill came at the beginning. In this class, I learned new techniques and styles that I never would have thought of. The time capsule paper sculpture challenged me to try and create something from nothing. Though we never got to create our second one, I think after making one, I could improve and create something more meaningful. I also learned how to use the vinyl cutter this year which was something I had been wondering how to use for a while. I used it to create a simple piece to get the hang of the machine at first, but after finishing quickly, I was encouraged to figure out how to make stationary from it. Now I had art, and something functional, all from the same idea. Knowing how to use the machine will be great in the future for creating art.

The most challenging part of this class obviously was it being abruptly interrupted by covid and moved to online. At the start of all of it, I was doing well at keeping on top of things and getting work in on time, but as the weeks went on I started to fall way behind. For me, I really like to have a structured time to be working on my art or any class, it helps me to stay focused on that one thing. It also helps to have other people creating around to help with inspiration. I found that when trying to come up with ideas, they seemed to be pretty basic, especially being limited on supplies. Working with limited supplies that I didn't love and being at home where I can't stay on task made It very difficult to get art done. On top of all of that, I broke my collarbone which made everything twice as difficult. Once my arm started to feel better and I got some materials that I liked, you can see my sculptures got a little bit better.

Because of all of the challenges this semester, I'm not particularly proud of any of my work, but it for sure was a learning experience for myself. I'm proud that I at least learned how to use that carver. My work definitely shows that as a learner I need to have a time and space dedicated to working. Without that I'll just get distracted and easily rush through work. My work shows that when using a medium that I enjoy like clay, I tend to spend more time and put more effort into it. When I have the right idea, the right space, and am enjoying what I'm doing, I'm willing to be more patient and careful when making art, resulting in my nicest work.