
The subjects of this image are the branches of a tree.

I took this picture with my camera in a cloudy day and then I print it in the dark room. The texture of the cloud contracts with the thestral silhouette. The picture has a full range of values, moment is present in the clouds, with the weird shapes that the wind makes. It’s also a low key lighting.

the photo is an informal balance and a sharp focus, but what I think defines it the most is the silhouette lighting of the treas. The image didn’t have a lot of contrast so I printed three more negatives and y tape them together, filtering more light.

By taking this images I wanted to capture the movement of the cladus and the weather. After making the first print that is more related with the weather I made another print with an altered proces with the same negative. And then I edited the last image in my computer and printed it without the border and then added the border. I think that that's the one that I’m proudest of.