This image’s subject is a woman surrounded by hands, in an unreal setting. I made this image by taking photos of my hands in different positions, in the light room, and putting them all together surrounding another image of myself that I took in my house, fusing them all together in photoshop.

The texture and color of the background contrast with the smoothness of the hands. All the hands around me give a sense of rhythm and unity to the image.The image is a formal balance, created by my central figure surrounded by the hands that are also use as leading lines, that bring the viewer’s attention to my face. It’s also a high key lighting and is framed by the hands.

I started this project with the idea that the central figure could be a painting but then I decided that an image of myself would be stronger. When I was making this image I was inspired by the famous painting Venus Born From the Sea, connecting it with the origins of our civilization that is the theme that I chose as my concentration.