Modified Contour Drawing



The assignment for this drawings was a modified contour drawing, a drawing which uses only line to record all of the ridges and edges of a form, the goal is to make the hand and shoe look as much real as is possible. You can look at your drawing and lift up your pencil as often as you like. I draw my shoe and my hand, they don’t have a setting, they are in a white a space. I first draw all the lines that I could see, they were really light and then I created a line gerarchi by giving more importance (by giving thickness) to some lines and less to others, I used pencils HB at the start and 4B when I was replacing . I created textures even if we weren't allowed to shade just by using lies and shapes.

I had to replace with the 4B two times because my lines were too thin,

I like thin lines so it was really hard for me making them that dark.

The art work is related to my life because there are my hands , and my boots, that even if there are not part of my body I bought them when I was eleven and since themI ave use them all winter every year, so I have an emotional link with them.

As I said I strugle with the thickness of the lines but I am really proud of my use of the negative space and proportions.